grouper-users - Re: [grouper-users] problem with PSP sync from the changelog
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- From: Tom Zeller <>
- To: Gasperowicz Jérémy <>
- Cc: "" <>
- Subject: Re: [grouper-users] problem with PSP sync from the changelog
- Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 10:52:55 -0600
So things are working properly ? If so, great.
On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 8:54 AM, Gasperowicz Jérémy
> Thanks Tom for you informations, There was some things to adapt in order to
> work correctly,
> I've put off the lines concerning differents attributes : hasMember as i've
> said and isMemberOf, memberOf, objectClass for not publishing in ou=People.
> Also, as i've changed <id>ldap</id> for <id>artois:ldap</id> and in the
> psp-resolver.xml <ad:Script>if
> (sourceId.getValues().contains("artois:ldap"))...
> instead of if (sourceId.getValues().contains("ldap")). I was expecting to
> find equals() instead of contains() because for me artois:ldap contains the
> word "ldap".
> Le 13/11/2012 19:08, Tom Zeller a écrit :
>>>>> "uid=jeremy.gasperowicz,ou=people,dc=univ-artois,dc=fr" and
>>>>> supannPerson
>>>>> attribute is substitute for person.
>>>>> Have you any idea to solve my problem ?
>>>> Probably supannPerson should be in more, or possibly less,
>>>> configuration elements than it currently is, if you modified psp.xml
>>>> and/or psp-resolver.xml.
>>> Ok, I've tried several things but errors in many case. So, I've commented
>>> the line
>>> <attribute
>>> name="hasMember"
>>> ref="hasMember" />
>>> in order to sync with : bin/ -psp -sync
>>> jeremy:applis:actualites:groupeActualitesCreateurAuto and it works, i can
>>> add a member or more
>>> But incremental sync doesn't work with CHANGE_LOG_consumer_psp. In the
>>> LDAP
>>> logs, i can see the search of the new members in ou=People, but dosn't
>>> modify the group.
>>> Do you know which attribute definition resolver or whatever i have to
>>> match.
>>> There's too many infos in the debug file to find where is the problem
>> After setting the log level to debug for edu.internet2.middleware.psp,
>> I would look at the attributes logged as part of the change log entry.
>> I would look at the identifiers of the provisioned objects in psp.xml,
>> determine the relevant attribute definitions in psp-resolver.xml, and
>> then verify that the change log entry is indeed returning the correct
>> identifiers.
>> After identifiers, I would look at the provisioned service object
>> reference attribute definitions, to sort out memberships.
>> You can also log spml and ldap/ldif (look in psp-services.xml) which
>> can be helpful with log reading.
- [grouper-users] problem with PSP sync from the changelog, Gasperowicz Jérémy, 11/13/2012
- Re: [grouper-users] problem with PSP sync from the changelog, Tom Zeller, 11/13/2012
- Re: [grouper-users] problem with PSP sync from the changelog, Gasperowicz Jérémy, 11/13/2012
- Re: [grouper-users] problem with PSP sync from the changelog, Tom Zeller, 11/13/2012
- Re: [grouper-users] problem with PSP sync from the changelog, Gasperowicz Jérémy, 11/15/2012
- Re: [grouper-users] problem with PSP sync from the changelog, Tom Zeller, 11/15/2012
- Re: [grouper-users] problem with PSP sync from the changelog, Gasperowicz Jérémy, 11/15/2012
- Re: [grouper-users] problem with PSP sync from the changelog, Tom Zeller, 11/13/2012
- Re: [grouper-users] problem with PSP sync from the changelog, Gasperowicz Jérémy, 11/13/2012
- Re: [grouper-users] problem with PSP sync from the changelog, Tom Zeller, 11/13/2012
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