grouper-dev - Grouper Developers Forum
Subject: Grouper Developers Forum
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42 mails
Chronological Thread << < page # 2/2 > >>
- 08/01/18
- Re: [grouper-dev] Where the web services will live, Scotty Logan
- RE: [grouper-dev] Where the web services will live, Chris Hyzer
- 08/01/22
- Grouper design call, Wednesday, 23 January 2008, 1200EST (1700Z), Tom Barton
- progress on web services, Chris Hyzer
- 08/01/23
- An Example of Lite and full featured web services, Stephen M. Barrett
- Action Items: Grouper WG call, 23-Jan-07, Jessica Bibbee
- 08/01/24
- Grouper UI subgroup, GW Brown, Information Systems and Computing
- RE: [grouper-dev] An Example of Lite and full featured web services, Chris Hyzer
- Re: [grouper-dev] An Example of Lite and full featured web services, Stephen M. Barrett
- 08/01/30
- Draft Minutes: Grouper WG call, 23-Jan-08, Jessica Bibbee
- 08/01/31
- More Fun With Large Groups - Singleton Pairs, Steve Edgar
- Re: [grouper-dev] More Fun With Large Groups - Singleton Pairs, Brendan Bellina
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