perfsonar-dev - Schema version [Was: Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names]
Subject: perfsonar development work
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- From: Nicolas Simar <>
- To: Roman Łapacz <>
- Cc: Nina Jeliazkova <>, Loukik Kudarimoti <>, Maciej Glowiak <>, "" <>, Michalis Michael <>, Andreas Hanemann <>,
- Subject: Schema version [Was: Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names]
- Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 09:45:11 +0100
I renamed this thread as it is not about schema version. I summarise the information seen on the mailing list.
1. What is the problem
The schema (protocol?) evolves over time. The deployment of services by the networks operators don't always follow this evolution. The visualisation tools are ending-up having to deal with hard-coding a tool deployed and the schema used.
(Temporary measure exist to give some information through the URL, but not for all the services).
2. Solutions
2.1. Protocol extension (as already proposed by Jeff) to support picking up of protocol version(s) supported.
2.2. Have the web-services URL containing the product or protocol version number.
3. Benefits
3.1 Protocol Extension
This would allow the visualisation client to deal with protocol versioning automatically.
- PerfsonarUI will be able to abandon MA.conf (combined with the deployment of the distributed LS).
- the web-services could adapt their answer with the client or the other web-service version (useful as the protocol evolves and the products might not deployed as frequently).
This is an assumption: do you validate it???
- Other benefits examples???
3.2. URL containing the (protocol/schema) version number.
It is a temporary hack to provide the information (actually, the hack is to provide the web-service version number).
Ideally, the URL should not change over time for a deployed instance (so that static configuration files don't have to be change by the users each time there is a service upgrade).
(a) the web-service name might change over time (for what reasons?),
(b) it is expected to use the LS to be communicated the URL when some data are needed (thus the URL could change over time).
But we should maybe not expect all the visualisation clients to rely on the LS (no case known to me so far though) and try not to have too "dynamic" service URLs (thus removing the product version number isn't a solution).
3.3. One could expect that within a year or two, all the deployed instances would have moved towards a newer web-service version (with protocol information included). Combined with the distributed LS, it would imply that the visualisation client wouldn't need static files anymore (which doesn't mean that all of them would abandon the static files).
5. Question
- Do we want to have a versioning for the schema or for the protocol (yet currently undefined, but in the process to)?
- Where shall this information be located?
In any messages exchanged? Only in the messages sent by the LS? In a new type of message sent by any web-service when requested?
- What impact will it have on the web-services?
- Jeff, can you re-sent your proposal for adding versioning? I don't remember in which thread it was sent.
Roman Łapacz wrote:
Nina Jeliazkova napisał(a):
Hi all,
I fully support Loukik message, that ideally, the protocol should be
responsible to reveal versioning information.
In the comming release of rrd ma you will find new type of request LookupInfoRequest/Response which help you in getting general service information (including service version number; we could add protocol version to this set as well). The implementation of this message type is located in the base so each service can have it.
Take a look at the documantation of it:
Of course I also support the idea of having protocol version inside requests which could instruct services how to answer (what protocol implemetation to use)
Regarding perfsonarUI, the lack of such information so far led to introduction
of "supported schema" field in MA.conf. One of the factors delaying abandoning
MA.conf in favor of lookup service, is that after such transition, the version
information will be lost.
I see versioning in URL as a temporary workaround, to become irrelevant when
the protocol is updated to support versioning.
Best regards,
Loukik Kudarimoti
The lack of protocol versioning and a method to discover supported protocols required us to make this choice.
Without such versioning in the URL, its difficult to know which version of software has been installed. If the protocol can be extended (as already proposed by Jeff) to support picking up of protocol version(s) supported, this can be safely removed. Ideally, this protocol should also help in picking up the version of software deployed.
Nicolas Simar wrote:
Hi Loukik, Michalis
Can you tell about the rationale for having the release version name?
Hi Nina and Andreas,
Would you prefer to limit the URL changes of the web-services or do you prefer to have the product version in the URL?
Maciej Glowiak wrote:
Nicolas Simar wrote:
looking at the web-services names
I see there is a part mentioning the service version(2.2). Is there a
particular benefit of seeing the service version?
I am wondering about this, because when the service will be updated, the
version will be updated and the tools won't be able to access it until
they are updated.
It this statement correct?
AFAIR it was a requirement from Release Mgmt. Team for perfSONAR 2.0.
You should contact Loukik or Luis in order to get more information about
the reason for using version number.
Anyway, Ilias and Roman are right - that's default name (contaning
version number) and everybody can change it after the installation.
Nicolas Simar
Network Engineer
Tel - BE: +32 (0) 4 366 93 49
Tel - UK: +44 (0)1223 371 300
Mobile: +44 (0) 7740 176 883
City House, 126-130 Hills Road
Cambridge CB2 1PQ
- Web-services URL names, Nicolas Simar, 10/09/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names, Roman Lapacz, 10/09/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names, Ilias Tsompanidis, 10/09/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names, Maciej Glowiak, 10/12/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names, Nicolas Simar, 10/12/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names, Loukik Kudarimoti, 10/12/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names, Nina Jeliazkova, 10/14/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names, Roman Łapacz, 10/14/2007
- Schema version [Was: Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names], Nicolas Simar, 10/15/2007
- Re: Schema version [Was: Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names], Jeff W. Boote, 10/23/2007
- Re: Schema version [Was: Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names], Roman Lapacz, 10/25/2007
- Re: Schema version [Was: Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names], Nina Jeliazkova, 10/25/2007
- Re: Schema version [Was: Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names], Roman Lapacz, 10/25/2007
- Re: Schema version [Was: Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names], Jeff W. Boote, 10/25/2007
- Schema version [Was: Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names], Nicolas Simar, 10/15/2007
- Re: Schema version [Was: Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names], Jeff W. Boote, 10/25/2007
- Re: Schema version [Was: Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names], Roman Lapacz, 10/26/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names, Roman Łapacz, 10/14/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names, Nina Jeliazkova, 10/14/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names, Loukik Kudarimoti, 10/12/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names, Nicolas Simar, 10/12/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names, Roman Lapacz, 10/09/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names, Chris Welti, 10/15/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names, Joe Metzger, 10/15/2007
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