mace-opensaml-users - Re: SAML request signature in C++ and Java
Subject: OpenSAML user discussion
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- From: Gabriel López <>
- To: Scott Cantor <>
- Cc:
- Subject: Re: SAML request signature in C++ and Java
- Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 09:23:33 +0200
Hi Scott
Scott Cantor wrote:
FWIW, I did some testing myself and was able to generate a signed response
containing a signed assertion in C++ and verify both in Java. I'm a tiny bit
surprised it worked, but it did, so the serialization code in C++ appears to
be non-corrupting even though it's not quite done how I'd like. That would
suggest something else may be corrupting your signature.
-- Scott
I paste the C++ and Java code, and the SAMLRequest object generated.
Can you try this code?, perhaps is a version problem
Thanks, Gabi.
C++ code:
SAMLConfig& conf1=SAMLConfig::getConfig();
conf1.schema_dir=schema_path; if (!conf1.init())
cerr << "unable to initialize SAML runtime" << endl;
cout <<"SAML initialization ok" << endl;
auto_ptr<XMLCh> url(XMLString::transcode(aa_url));
SAMLAuthorityBinding binfo(saml::QName(saml::XML::SAMLP_NS,L(AttributeQuery)),SAMLBinding::SAML_SOAP_HTTPS,url.get());
auto_ptr<XMLCh> domain(XMLString::transcode(orgsite_url));
auto_ptr<XMLCh> handle(XMLString::transcode(handler));
auto_ptr<XMLCh> resource(XMLString::transcode(resource_url));
try {
SAMLNameIdentifier* nameid = new SAMLNameIdentifier(handle.get(),domain.get());
SAMLSubject* subject = new SAMLSubject(nameid);
SAMLAttributeQuery* attquery = new SAMLAttributeQuery(subject,resource.get()); SAMLRequest* req=new SAMLRequest(Iterator<saml::QName>(),attquery);
cout <<"SAMLCMOD: read private key" << endl;
BIO *bio=BIO_new(BIO_s_file());
EVP_PKEY* pkey=PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(bio,NULL,NULL,NULL);
OpenSSLCryptoKeyRSA* xseckey=new OpenSSLCryptoKeyRSA(pkey);
cout <<"SAMLCMOD: read certificate" << endl;
BIO *bio2=BIO_new(BIO_s_file());
X509* x50=PEM_read_bio_X509(bio2,NULL,0,NULL);
auto_ptr<OpenSSLCryptoX509> x509(new OpenSSLCryptoX509(x50)); XSECCryptoX509* certs[] = { x509.get() };
cout <<"SAMLCMOD: sign request" << endl;
delete xseckey;
cout << *req;
cout <<"SAMLCMOD: send request" << endl;
SAMLBinding* pBinding= new SAMLSOAPBinding();
SAMLResponse* resp=pBinding->send(binfo,*req);
delete pBinding; }
catch(SAMLException& e)
cerr << "caught a SAML exception: " << e << endl;
catch(XSECException& e)
cerr << "caught an XMLSec exception: "; xmlout(cerr,e.getMsg()); cerr << endl;
catch(XSECCryptoException& e)
cerr << "caught an XMLSecCrypto exception: " << e.getMsg() << endl;
catch(XMLException& e)
cerr << "caught an XML exception: "; xmlout(cerr,e.getMessage()); cerr << endl;
cerr << "caught an unknown exception" << endl;
conf1.term(); return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Java code:
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest peticion, HttpServletResponse respuesta) throws IOException, ServletException {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
try {
SAMLSOAPBinding soapBinding= new SAMLSOAPBinding();
SAMLRequest request = soapBinding.receive(peticion,buf);
request.verify(); request.verify(keystore.getCertificate("DestinationSite"));
if (request.getQuery() instanceof SAMLAuthorizationDecisionQuery) {
SAMLAuthorizationDecisionQuery adq= ((SAMLAuthorizationDecisionQuery)request.getQuery()); SAMLAuthorityBinding binding = new SAMLAuthorityBinding(SAMLBinding.SAML_SOAP_HTTPS,
"", new QName(org.opensaml.XML.SAMLP_NS, "AttributeQuery")); SAMLResponse resp = SAMLPOSTProfile.prepare("","SourceSite",null,adq.getSubject().getName(),null,"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:X509SubjectName",peticion.getRemoteAddr(),SAMLAuthenticationStatement.AuthenticationMethod_X509_PublicKey,new java.util.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()),Collections.singleton(binding));
resp = this.responder(resp,adq.getSubject().getName(),adq.getResource());
} catch(SAMLException e) { System.out.println("doPost exception: " + e); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("doPost exception: " + e);
} }
SAMLRequest object:
<Request xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:protocol" xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion" xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:protocol" IssueInstant="2004-05-21T11:11:11Z" MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1" RequestID="f51ef71057205d1f7b79352168731a87"><ds:Signature xmlns:ds="">
<ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""></ds:CanonicalizationMethod>
<ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=""></ds:SignatureMethod>
<ds:Reference URI="#f51ef71057205d1f7b79352168731a87">
<ds:Transform Algorithm=""></ds:Transform>
<ds:Transform Algorithm="">
<ec:InclusiveNamespaces xmlns:ec="" PrefixList="#default saml samlp ds xsd xsi code kind rw typens"></ec:InclusiveNamespaces>
<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""></ds:DigestMethod>
</ds:Signature><AttributeQuery Resource=""><Subject xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion"><NameIdentifier NameQualifier="http://localhost:8080">gabilm</NameIdentifier></Subject></AttributeQuery></Request>
- SAML request signature in C++ and Java, Gabriel López, 05/20/2004
- RE: SAML request signature in C++ and Java, Scott Cantor, 05/20/2004
- Re: SAML request signature in C++ and Java, Gabriel López, 05/21/2004
- RE: SAML request signature in C++ and Java, Scott Cantor, 05/21/2004
- Re: SAML request signature in C++ and Java, Gabriel López, 05/21/2004
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: SAML request signature in C++ and Java, Scott Cantor, 05/22/2004
- Re: SAML request signature in C++ and Java, Gabriel López, 05/24/2004
- RE: SAML request signature in C++ and Java, Scott Cantor, 05/24/2004
- Re: SAML request signature in C++ and Java, Gabriel López, 05/24/2004
- RE: SAML request signature in C++ and Java, Scott Cantor, 05/20/2004
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