grouper-users - Re: [grouper-users] PSP: grouper:GroupExactAttribute filter does not match attribute
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Re: [grouper-users] PSP: grouper:GroupExactAttribute filter does not match attribute
Chronological Thread
- From: Dominique Petitpierre <>
- To: Tom Zeller <>
- Cc: "" <>
- Subject: Re: [grouper-users] PSP: grouper:GroupExactAttribute filter does not match attribute
- Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 01:58:10 +0200
- Authentication-results:; dkim=neutral (message not signed) header.i=none
- Organization: University of Geneva
Thanks for your reply:
On 06/17/2013 10:52 PM, Tom Zeller wrote:
I believe that the GroupExactAttribute Filter only applies to...
old-style attributes, not new-style attribute-framework attributes,
which I am guessing "etc:attribute:ldapSync:syncType" is.
Yes it is.
I tried that because it was what I thought David Langenberg meant by
"real" attributes. He probably meant that one could filter on type
attributes (aka fields, i.e. old style attributes) but not on type
names (which are not considered attributes).
By spy-ing the database access requests I could be pretty sure that
none of the tables involved in the new style attribute framework were
used when running the psp calc task with a GroupExactAttribute filter.
Only the old style attribute tables were used.
So I concur with your belief!
Thus I reverted to old style attributes and eventually succeeded to
filter groups with grouper:GroupExactAttribute :
The filter cited in my original message was OK, but one of my mistakes
was that I had added grouper:GroupExactAttribute filters everywhere
groups where filtered, for example in the following
<resolver:Dependency ref="GroupWithoutMermbershipsDataConnector" />
<resolver:Dependency ref="DeleteGroupChangeLogDataConnector" />
<resolver:Dependency ref="UpdateGroupNameChangeLogDataConnector" />
<resolver:Dependency ref="UpdateGroupDescriptionChangeLogDataConnector" />
<grouper:Filter xsi:type="grouper:MINUS">
value="yes" />
scope="SUB" />
My understanding is that, unlike grouper:GroupExactAttribute, the
input provided to the grouper:NameInStem filters are not groups, but
group names. So that definition (or some other in the same style)
filtered out everything because grouper:GroupExactAttribute, expecting
groups, could not match any name.
If this interpretation is correct, here is a suggestion (it would have
saved me days):
- Such an inappropriate use could cause an error message (e.g. "input
type 'name' is not compatible with filter
grouper:GroupExactAttribute type 'group'").
In any case when all inappropriate grouper:GroupExactAttribute filters
were removed, it was possible to see that the other
grouper:GroupExactAttribute (in DataConnector) did their job as
Best regards,
Mr Dominique Petitpierre, user=Dominique.Petitpierre
IT Division, University of Geneva, Switzerland
- [grouper-users] PSP: grouper:GroupExactAttribute filter does not match attribute, Dominique Petitpierre, 06/03/2013
- Re: [grouper-users] PSP: grouper:GroupExactAttribute filter does not match attribute, David Langenberg, 06/04/2013
- Re: [grouper-users] PSP: grouper:GroupExactAttribute filter does not match attribute, Dominique Petitpierre, 06/05/2013
- Re: [grouper-users] PSP: grouper:GroupExactAttribute filter does not match attribute, Dominique Petitpierre, 06/14/2013
- Re: [grouper-users] PSP: grouper:GroupExactAttribute filter does not match attribute, Tom Zeller, 06/17/2013
- Re: [grouper-users] PSP: grouper:GroupExactAttribute filter does not match attribute, Dominique Petitpierre, 06/18/2013
- Re: [grouper-users] PSP: grouper:GroupExactAttribute filter does not match attribute, Tom Zeller, 06/19/2013
- Re: [grouper-users] PSP: grouper:GroupExactAttribute filter does not match attribute, Dominique Petitpierre, 06/18/2013
- Re: [grouper-users] PSP: grouper:GroupExactAttribute filter does not match attribute, Tom Zeller, 06/17/2013
- Re: [grouper-users] PSP: grouper:GroupExactAttribute filter does not match attribute, David Langenberg, 06/04/2013
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