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perfsonar-user - Re: [perfsonar-user] no /esmond/perfsonar/archives on central management host

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Re: [perfsonar-user] no /esmond/perfsonar/archives on central management host

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Antoine Delvaux <>
  • To: pete <>, perfsonar-user <>
  • Subject: Re: [perfsonar-user] no /esmond/perfsonar/archives on central management host
  • Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2017 21:28:40 +0000
  • Ironport-phdr: 9a23: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

Hello Pete,

I think I've found the reason for this. I suspect the
perfsonar-centralmanagement bundle dependencies have installed 2 versions of
openjdk: 8 and 9 and cassandra is trying to run with 9 and failing.

Can you try to either change the default java to be openjdk-8 or even
completely remove openjdk-9 from your server and then try starting cassandra

This should be possible with something like `apt-get purge
openjdk-9-jre-headless` or any other openjdk-9 package you would have
installed at the moment.

If you confirm this is the problem, I'll make a new cassandra package
available in our repo that would conflict with openjdk-9.



> Le 20 oct. 2017 à 14:43, pete
> <>
> a écrit :
> I've done some testing on a vanilla system. I choose only defaults during
> the install. It appears to be the startup script (for cassandra)
> conversion from update-rc -> systemd that might be the issue:
> cassandra doesn't start at least on the debian setup of the central
> management bundle. Here is the error when cassandra is installed:
> ---
> update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported;
> falling back to defaults
> ---
> update-rc and systemd appear to be confused on whether cassandra is running.
> Here is what is looks like according to systemd--it thinks it's running:
> ╚═» systemctl status cassandra
> ● cassandra.service - LSB: distributed storage system for structured data
> Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/cassandra; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
> Active: active (exited) since Fri 2017-10-20 09:35:07 CDT; 3min 31s ago
> Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
> Process: 1263 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/cassandra start (code=exited,
> status=0/SUC
> Tasks: 0
> Memory: 0B
> CPU: 0
> Oct 20 09:35:06 ubuntu16 systemd[1]: Starting LSB: distributed storage
> system fo
> Oct 20 09:35:07 ubuntu16 systemd[1]: Started LSB: distributed storage
> system for
> Oct 20 09:38:06 ubuntu16 systemd[1]: Started LSB: distributed storage
> system for
> However, It's not running according to ps, and there is nothing running on
> it's port. ie., lsof -i :9160 shows nothing.
> Has anyone every had a central management bundle on debian work with
> cassandra before?
> Any ideas? Thanks!
> Pete
> On 10/19/2017 09:23 PM, pete wrote:
>> Hi, I'm running perfsonar 4.0.1. I have 2 test-points on raspberrypis
>> running ubuntu-jessie, and I'm trying to get them to archive to a central
>> management host which is on ubuntu 16.04.
>> I'm not sure where to point the archive to in my mesh config, becauset
>> here is no http://mycentralmanagementhost/esmond/perfsonar/archive on the
>> central host---as there is on a standard toolkit.
>> esmond is configured, and I've added ip access as the docs suggest.
>> eg.,/usr/share/esmond/util/esmond_manage add_user_ip_address example_user
>> I noticed that cassandra is not running, which I thought would be needed
>> for esmond to run, but there are no logs in /var/log/cassandra.
>> It looks like cassandra is set to run via systemctl, but it doesn't start.
>> I followed the docs, and I set this up in my meshconfig-agent.conf on my
>> test-points:
>> configure_archives 1
>> use_toolkit 0
>> Here is the log when I restart meshconfig-agent:
>> 2017/10/20 02:10:02 (30741) WARN>
>> perfSONAR_PS::MeshConfig::Generators::perfSONARRegularTesting::__build_tests
>> - Unable to find measurement archive for test 'Ping Test Between MOREnet
>> Latency Hosts'. Proceeding with test but results will not be stored.
>> Any ideas on what's missing? Please let me know if you my configs would
>> help, but I'm thinking something should be running on the central
>> management host by default at /esmond/perfsonar/archive. And cassandra
>> not running seems odd, but I'm not too familiar with esmond/cassandra as
>> they usually run well from the initial setup.
>> Thanks,
> --
> Pete Greenwell
> System Administrator
> Missouri Research and Education Network [MOREnet]

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