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perfsonar-user - Re: [perfsonar-user] no /esmond/perfsonar/archives on central management host

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Re: [perfsonar-user] no /esmond/perfsonar/archives on central management host

Chronological Thread 
  • From: pete <>
  • To:
  • Subject: Re: [perfsonar-user] no /esmond/perfsonar/archives on central management host
  • Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2017 09:43:49 -0500
  • Ironport-phdr: 9a23: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

I've done some testing on a vanilla system. I choose only defaults during the install. It appears to be the startup script (for cassandra) conversion from update-rc -> systemd that might be the issue:

cassandra doesn't start at least on the debian setup of the central management bundle. Here is the error when cassandra is installed:
update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported; falling back to defaults

update-rc and systemd appear to be confused on whether cassandra is running.
Here is what is looks like according to systemd--it thinks it's running:

╚═» systemctl status cassandra
● cassandra.service - LSB: distributed storage system for structured data
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/cassandra; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (exited) since Fri 2017-10-20 09:35:07 CDT; 3min 31s ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
Process: 1263 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/cassandra start (code=exited, status=0/SUC
Tasks: 0
Memory: 0B
CPU: 0

Oct 20 09:35:06 ubuntu16 systemd[1]: Starting LSB: distributed storage system fo
Oct 20 09:35:07 ubuntu16 systemd[1]: Started LSB: distributed storage system for
Oct 20 09:38:06 ubuntu16 systemd[1]: Started LSB: distributed storage system for

However, It's not running according to ps, and there is nothing running on it's port. ie., lsof -i :9160 shows nothing.

Has anyone every had a central management bundle on debian work with cassandra before?

Any ideas? Thanks!


On 10/19/2017 09:23 PM, pete wrote:

Hi, I'm running perfsonar 4.0.1.  I have 2 test-points on raspberrypis running ubuntu-jessie, and I'm trying to get them to archive to a central management host which is on ubuntu 16.04.

I'm not sure where to point the archive to in my mesh config, becauset here is no http://mycentralmanagementhost/esmond/perfsonar/archive on the central host---as there is on a standard toolkit.

esmond is configured, and I've added ip access as the docs suggest.

eg.,/usr/share/esmond/util/esmond_manage add_user_ip_address example_user

I noticed that cassandra is not running, which I thought would be needed for esmond to run, but there are no logs in /var/log/cassandra.

It looks like cassandra is set to run via systemctl, but it doesn't start.

I followed the docs, and I set this up in my meshconfig-agent.conf on my test-points:
configure_archives 1
use_toolkit 0

Here is the log when I restart meshconfig-agent:
2017/10/20 02:10:02 (30741) WARN> perfSONAR_PS::MeshConfig::Generators::perfSONARRegularTesting::__build_tests - Unable to find measurement archive for test 'Ping Test Between MOREnet Latency Hosts'. Proceeding with test but results will not be stored.

Any ideas on what's missing?  Please let me know if you my configs would help, but I'm thinking something should be running on the central management host by default at /esmond/perfsonar/archive.  And cassandra not running seems odd, but I'm not too familiar with esmond/cassandra as they usually run well from the initial setup.


Pete Greenwell
System Administrator
Missouri Research and Education Network [MOREnet]

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