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perfsonar-dev - Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names

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Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Joe Metzger <>
  • To: Chris Welti <>
  • Cc: Maciej Glowiak <>, "" <>, Andreas Hanemann <>, Nicolas Simar <>, Loukik Kudarimoti <>, Michalis Michael <>, Nina Jeliazkova <>
  • Subject: Re: [pS-dev] Web-services URL names
  • Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 11:35:40 -0500

We have discussed this in the past and concluded that the LS code at that time
was not capable of handling all the registrations.

Do we currently have an LS code base that is capable of handling all of the
services currently deployed without melting down?

I agree that this is a very critical component, and would like even a temporary
solution as soon as possible. My understanding is the best we can do until
the MLS is deployed is to is use the static perfSONARUI config file.


On Oct 24, 2007, at 10:50 AM, Chris Welti wrote:

Well, CLS might not be the correct term, but it is different from the current
approach where each NREN uses their own LS to register services.
Which is quite stupid because when something changes (like the URL after an
upgrade, or a new NREN comes in to play) everyone has to change their set of
LSes as well.

What I'd like to see as an "inbetween" solution is ONE central LS, for example
"" where every current NREN registers their services.
This would make testing and deployment much easier!


PS: Please note, that this is of course only an interim solution until the dLS
is ready

Maciej Glowiak wrote:
Chris Welti wrote:
What's the progress with DLS anyway?
We could also use CLS for starters until the DLS comes alive.
(One LS that everyone registers its services into)

Hi Chris,

As far as I understand CLS is not the official term, but rather a term
for distinguishing 'single' LS from the dLS.

dLS (stands for distributed-LS) is now the new name for former mLS,
multi-LS or multidomain-LS.

Because dLS will be implemented independently by Jason (perl) and me
(java) we're still working (together with Martin and Jeff) on the
document describing the algorithm in very detailed way. There are still
some questions and doubts that must be addressed very soon, however it's
quite difficult because of several important meetings.
I hope the document will be ready until the end of this month and we
will be able to present the first working version by the end of the year.

best regards


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