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ndt-dev - Re: [ndt-dev] Re: Commits to ndt

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Re: [ndt-dev] Re: Commits to ndt

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Jason Zurawski <>
  • To: Thomas Gideon <>
  • Cc: "Jeff W. Boote" <>, , Kavitha Kumar <>
  • Subject: Re: [ndt-dev] Re: Commits to ndt
  • Date: Fri, 05 Aug 2011 14:13:57 -0400
  • Organization: Internet2

Hey Thomas;

Not to quibble (since this has already generated far more email and panic than is healthy on a Friday afternoon), but it appears you backed out, then are still checking into trunk and not the fresh branch.

In general "little changes" into the trunk are ok, "little" is a tough word to quantify though. Single checkins to fix a typo for example, or documentation, I would call these things "little". Based on the checkins you are making it looks like some things were untested (e.g. you missed a semi) so that makes me a little anxious. We don't want the trunk to be in a broken state, even if it is the bleeding edge. For now, just continue. Finish it off, alert us when done. Kavitha: be sure you suck up these recent changes into your branches if you haven't done so.

The rule of thumb that we use with all of our other repos is to follow the principal of least surprise:

- Single checkin to trunk w/ nice descriptive log message = good
- Multiple checkins to trunk without clearing it = bad, even with log messages
- Branches = good
- Branches where the changes are being moved back in to the trunk before a release = good, if you clear it with everyone

Sound good for ground rules? Jeff will dig up a more formal treatment and pass it around if there is any confusion.



On 8/5/11 1:54 PM, thus spake Thomas Gideon:
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On 08/05/2011 01:45 PM, Jeff W. Boote wrote:
Hi Thomas,

Does that mean you are done? If so, I'm fine with what is here - no
need to revert. If you have on-going work, then I'd like to talk and
coordinate that with you. I just wanted to get a good idea of the
scope of work you have going here.

I am not done but should be shortly. In the interest of harmony and to
allow me to commit at the granularity I personally prefer without
creating any more difficulties, I just went I ahead and backed out my
sole commit and created a new branch to house this work.

I'm sorry, I'm just now going through and starting to clean this up
from a project/release-mgmt perspective and think about adding the
next release tag. I also should have sent something to the list to
say that we were starting some comprehensive work.

No worries, my eagerness to work on this long overdue change (plus a
head full of multiple source files in multiple languages) overrode my
common courtesy in a project owned by someone else. I am grateful you
were much more on the ball and cut this pretty much as it happened
rather than multiple interleaved commits down the line.

The work we are starting will restructure most of the code, so
functions and files will be moving around a lot. This will make
merging much more complicated and difficult than a normal
development cycle which is why it is a good idea for me to find out
what on-going or pending work people are currently doing.

The scope of the change is small, just adding another field to the meta
file. I am following the changes made a few months back to do this for
the browser info. I am also trying to make it reverse compatible,
testing in a personal sandbox on mlab4.nuq01, to make a rollout a bit
more flexible.

So... Lets just make this a call for all developers to please let me
know if you have outstanding commits or ongoing work you plan to do
in the next 2-3 months so we can coordinate it.

Once this is tested and complete, we can discuss release timing. This
has been on the list of asks from Google for a while so I'd prefer to do
it sooner rather than later. If we had a maintenance branch (or could
create one retroactively) for the current stable version (assuming it
includes the browser info changes), that would be a sane merge target if
we could get these changes out before the larger set on which I know I2
is working.

I don't mind personally doing the work to re-merge these changes after
I2 is finished with the re-org/cleanup if the relevant files change

Sorry, again, for not thinking before committing and thank you for
catching my mistake so quickly.


On Aug 5, 2011, at 11:21 AM, Thomas Gideon wrote:

On 08/05/2011 01:12 PM, Jeff W. Boote wrote:

Can I ask who this is? (Your email address is not very
informative in this sense.)

Sorry, it is Thomas from OIT/NAF.

I'm curious what changes you are committing to trunk? What is
the scope here? Typically changes should be discussed with the
developers before being committed to trunk. I would expect
you to commit them to a branch and then suggest them for
inclusion in the next release. We are actively modifying the
code for a planned release right now, and do not want things
changing in trunk causing undue time merging.

The changes are to add an identifying string that each client can
set so that collected data can be divvied out by which client ran
the test, if desired.

Apologies, I should have pinged you to coordinate these changes. They
seemed so small, very similar to the client browser changes that I
didn't think about the impact on other active development.

I can back out my changes, branch from r394, and re-commit my
changes to that branch.

I would appreciate it if you would create a branch for
whatever your ongoing work is, and communicate with the rest of
the developers before merging things into trunk.

Again, I didn't think the changes were intrusive and there is no tag
for a release later than 3.6.1. That release doesn't include the
client browser meta data changes from which I was basing the client
application metatdata changes. Ideally we'd like to stage an
incremental updated that adds the client identifier ASAP if at all
possible so that Tizian Refice at Google can adjust her data parsing
and we can get the client identifier into the data stream sooner
rather than later.

- --
Thomas Gideon
Sr. Staff Technologist, Open Technology Initiative
New America Foundation
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