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grouper-users - [grouper-users] PIT question

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[grouper-users] PIT question

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Tim Darby <>
  • To: "" <>
  • Subject: [grouper-users] PIT question
  • Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2013 10:10:38 -0700
  • Authentication-results:; dkim=pass (signature verified [TEST])

When I run:


It pretty quickly runs through the various searches until it gets to:

Searching for missing active point in time group sets

and will not go past that point.  It doesn't come back with "Found x missing..." and the GSH process in the UNIX process table is sleeping and stays that way for hours (I let it run overnight, just to see what would happen).  Any ideas?

Tim Darby
The University of Arizona
Mosaic, Systems Integration and Architecture
UITS, Rm 335, 520-626-3799

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