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grouper-users - [grouper-users] problems with grouper-ui 2.0

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[grouper-users] problems with grouper-ui 2.0

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Rob Urquhart <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [grouper-users] problems with grouper-ui 2.0
  • Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2011 12:22:39 -0700


I'm installing grouper 2.0 and I'm running into some problems with the UI. I
have a JDBC source defined (see attached) and it works in gsh. That is, I can
run SubjectFinder.findAll, SubjectFinder.findById and I get the expected
results. I can also add new stems from gsh. I can log into the UI and display
members of groups that were added by gsh. But:

1. If I try to add a new member in the UI by going to the page (e.g.) "Assign
privileges / Add members for [uiUsers]" and then doing a search it throws a
NPE. (See attached log1).

2. It I try to add a new stem I get an error: "Error: Could not create
folder. Error is 'must contain a non-whitespace character, Problem in
HibernateSession: HibernateSession: isNew: false, isReadonly: false,
grouperTransactionType: READ_WRITE_NEW'."

I suspect there is a configuration change from 1.6.3 that I have missed, but
after going through the 2.0 release notes I'm still stumped. Any help would
be greatly appreciated.


Attachment: source.xml
Description: application/xml

Attachment: npe
Description: Binary data

Rob Urquhart
Institutional, Collaborative, and Academic Technologies (ICAT)
IT Services
Simon Fraser University

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