grouper-users - Error using Gsh
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- From: THIA Jean-Marie <>
- To: "" <>
- Subject: Error using Gsh
- Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 12:49:21 +0200
- Accept-language: fr-FR
- Acceptlanguage: fr-FR
I just build the gsh source and changed the gsh-home path, but when I make a query I have an evaluation error :
C:\work\App\grouper-qs-1.2.0\grouper\ext\bin>rem $Id: gsh.bat 2 2007-05-11 18:13:14Z blair.christensen $
gsh-0.1.1 0% subj=SubjectFinder.findById("GrouperSystem")
// Error: unable to evaluate command: Sourced file: inline evaluation of: ``subj
=SubjectFinder.findById("GrouperSystem");'' : Method Invocation SubjectFinder.findById
gsh-0.1.1 1%
I guess that this is not a configuration problem.
My configuration :
Windows vista
Latest sun java 5 jdk (one thing happens though, I said yes to the java upgrade, everything was down tomcat did not want to start, so I uninstalled the update)
Jean Marie
- Error using Gsh, THIA Jean-Marie, 08/08/2007
- RE: [grouper-users] Error using Gsh, THIA Jean-Marie, 08/08/2007
- Re: [grouper-users] Error using Gsh, Tom Barton, 08/08/2007
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