perfsonar-user - RE: [perfsonar-user] Add a new visualization of graphs - perfSONAR Toolkit
Subject: perfSONAR User Q&A and Other Discussion
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- From: HADJALI Mehdi <>
- To: "Garnizov, Ivan" <>, "" <>
- Subject: RE: [perfsonar-user] Add a new visualization of graphs - perfSONAR Toolkit
- Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2020 14:14:01 +0000
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Dear Ivan,
I search to have an other visualization of graphs page of perfSONAR Toolkit.
Can you tell me when a version with the ELK suite will be released?
Because I need to improve this display.
Thanks in advance
Cordialement / Regards
Direction des Systèmes d'Information DSI N&T Infrastructure et Communication Network Engineer Sopra Steria Tour Chantecoq 92800 Puteaux Cedex - France
De : Garnizov, Ivan <>
Dear Mehdi,
It is a bit too early if you are looking for a documentation on how to implement a visualisation of perfSONAR measurement results through ELK. Our team works on this implementation, but we are still testing and improving it. If you are looking for some means to improve the perfSONAR MaDDash visualisation, then please be more specific.
Regards, Ivan Garnizov
GEANT WP6T3: pS development team GEANT WP7T1: pS deployments GN Operations GEANT WP9T2: Software governance in GEANT
On Behalf Of HADJALI Mehdi
I would like to change the visualization of graphs and I read that it is possible to integrate Elasticsearch solutions.
Can you tell me how this change can be made.
Thanks in advance
Cordialement / Regards
Direction des Systèmes d'Information DSI N&T Infrastructure et Communication Network Engineer Sopra Steria Tour Chantecoq 92800 Puteaux Cedex - France
- [perfsonar-user] Add a new visualization of graphs - perfSONAR Toolkit, HADJALI Mehdi, 12/07/2020
- RE: [perfsonar-user] Add a new visualization of graphs - perfSONAR Toolkit, Garnizov, Ivan, 12/07/2020
- RE: [perfsonar-user] Add a new visualization of graphs - perfSONAR Toolkit, HADJALI Mehdi, 12/07/2020
- RE: [perfsonar-user] Add a new visualization of graphs - perfSONAR Toolkit, Garnizov, Ivan, 12/07/2020
- RE: [perfsonar-user] Add a new visualization of graphs - perfSONAR Toolkit, HADJALI Mehdi, 12/08/2020
- RE: [perfsonar-user] Add a new visualization of graphs - perfSONAR Toolkit, Garnizov, Ivan, 12/07/2020
- RE: [perfsonar-user] Add a new visualization of graphs - perfSONAR Toolkit, HADJALI Mehdi, 12/07/2020
- RE: [perfsonar-user] Add a new visualization of graphs - perfSONAR Toolkit, Garnizov, Ivan, 12/07/2020
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