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perfsonar-user - RE: [perfsonar-user] Offline/Air gapped install want PWA and Mddash

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RE: [perfsonar-user] Offline/Air gapped install want PWA and Mddash

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Paul Manomaitis <>
  • To: Edward Colone <>
  • Cc: "" <>, Josh Olson <>, John Urbano <>, Todd Retterer <>
  • Subject: RE: [perfsonar-user] Offline/Air gapped install want PWA and Mddash
  • Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2020 23:24:56 +0000
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Hello Edward, I have been able to re-engage this activity. I need to understand the number of compute nodes I will need to handle the management part.


I want to run the Dashboard so I need one node that is NOT a test node to run MadDASH, this node also can run PWA also the Esmond arch ?


1 PWA node

1 Esmond Archiver

1 MadDash dashboard

All of the above = one CentOS7 instance/node?


I need to provide my own Simple Lookup Service, we are airgapped. This is the departure from what most folks would do that are internet connected.

I am getting stuck on where if I try to install the needed repos for sLS I have a mongoDB-org to MongoDB-Server conflict.

The sLS requires the mongoDB-org,


I am going to run a dedicated VM in my sandbox to see if I can get it to run without installing the mongoDB-server.. Other option is to uninstall it but I think some part of the Central-management bundle uses the mongoDB-server.


Looking at running 15-30 Test point.



Sadly going through youtube, old videos from 2016 have invalid or no longer supported tools/steps ?

e.g. the JSONbuilder is MIA


I am logging my steps in a google excel sheet, documenting all the loop-de-loop turns and non-functioning commands and then possible solutions….


Once I get all of this foundational stuff setup in a sandbox, I will try to learn how to leverage Ansible to handle spitting out the Test nodes.

I have some Chef experience but… haven’t used it in a while




From: Edward Colone <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 6:10 AM
To: Paul Manomaitis <>
Cc: ; Josh Olson <>; John Urbano <>; Todd Retterer <>
Subject: [External] Re: [perfsonar-user] Offline/Air gapped install want PWA and Mddash


Also, to get the "full install" with the dashboard and everything:


10 testpoints

1 PWA node

1 Esmond Archiver

1 MadDash dashboard


  - install the archiver

  - install the testpoints

  - tell the archiver to accept data from each testpoint IP Addr

  - install MadDash

  - install PWA

  - create a PWA user for yourself

  - possibly add the 10 testpoints manually to your PWA instance (I don't know much about private lookup services, it might be easiest to just add the testpoints to PWA by hand)

  - use PWA to create a test schedule

  - tell all 10 testpoints and MadDash to read the published URL for the schedule


Any thoughts from anyone welcome.







On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 7:50 AM Edward Colone <> wrote:

Hi Paul,


While I must admit that I'm not 100% certain if this will be of any help to you, I can offer that each perfSONAR component (PWA, testpoints, MadDash, Esmond Archive) can be discreetly installed and managed by the perfsonar Ansible scripts.  In fact I will be giving a tutorial this Friday at the ES Net CI Engineering Brown Bag talk.



Using the Ansible scripts you don't have to install the monolithic centralmanagement bundle.  The PWA script might need an additional repo to work correctly, I will address that this week.


If you want a hand installing perfSONAR via Ansible, let me know and I'll see if I can help.







On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 7:39 AM Paul Manomaitis <> wrote:

Thanks again, * Again my end goal is to have a cluster of PerfSonar Nodes centrally managed, without an internet connection, airgapped.

– Is there a Perfsonar Dev that can chime in if this is possible to do in 4.2.4 ?


So new issue. Seems that for my airgapped/private cluster of PerfSonar nodes, I am possibly ‘SOL’ on private SlS. See Ø below

Going down the rabbit hole of configuring the PWA and associated services, *


Most of the configuration files for PWA can be found in the /etc/perfsonar/psconfig-web directory.

At a minimum, you need to configure your hostname, configure the datasources for your instance, configure the authentication module, and create a user before you can start using PWA.’


I find I will need to construct a private SLS. (configure the datasources for your instance) This is a airgapped deployment.



0.       Editing /etc/perfsonar/psconfig-web/index.js as per * links instructions, Datasources section Leads me to -> ‘1.’

1.     - outdated

2.       which leads to also following ->

3.       and then ->



From ‘3.’ I skipped step 1. Which was a mistake.. mongodb-org package won’t install without creating the PMS for YUM first. Got this working

Ø From ‘1.’ Step 3. The command ‘-y install perl-perfSONAR_PS-SimpleLS-BootStrap-server’ will not work due to this package is missing.


I find this alternative which is a version 3.x.x - Ø Installed from here but cannot start the service since it is not located in.



I also installed yum install perfsonar-centralmanagement since it includes serveral needed items.






From: Mike Ware <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 4:53 PM
To: Paul Manomaitis <>
Subject: [External] Re: Re: Re: [perfsonar-user] Offline/Air gapped install want PWA and Mddash


I'm not certain on that but I'm sure someone on the list knows. Glad to help and good luck.



On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 3:50 PM Paul Manomaitis <> wrote:

Haha, I was just reading that exact page already. Thank you again.

Also, yes that is a possible scenario.


Any idea if I need to install the PWA RPM/Dependencies on ALL of my nodes ( clients ) or just on one ( Server ) that will control the rest ?

Same question for MaDDash


Thank you again for your time.


From: Mike Ware <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 4:47 PM
To: Paul Manomaitis <>
Subject: [External] Re: Re: [perfsonar-user] Offline/Air gapped install want PWA and Mddash


You could in theory just build a vm with all the repos cached and then migrate the vm into the secure network then point your /etc/yum/repos.d on your other machines to pull packages from that system.



On Tue, Sep 15, 2020, 15:42 Paul Manomaitis <> wrote:

Thank you Mike, I spun up an instance @ my house where I have access to the net to demo this exact theory.


14 Dependencies and two updates tree off the two .RPMs for the PWA install alone.


Any suggestions on the method of packaging up the yum repo, will look this up as well.


From: Mike Ware <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 4:37 PM
To: Paul Manomaitis <>
Subject: [External] Re: [perfsonar-user] Offline/Air gapped install want PWA and Mddash


You could make local yum repos and then move them via sneakernet to a repo server on your airgapped segment.




On Tue, Sep 15, 2020, 15:31 Paul Manomaitis <> wrote:



I have the CentOS 7 Full Install    x86_64 .iso and will be installing 10+ Nodes.

End goal/state is to have PWA and MaDDash dashboard and the node status checkerboard for C2. Also the graphing functionality, OFFLINE/AirGapped.


Is there a bundle I can grab or will I have to grab many individual RPMs from different sources and manually build the dependencies to accomplish the subject lines goals?


I have started pulling down .rpm files from;O=D


I would need to install the PWA and mddash to at least one of these nodes or to a docket instance to centrally control the 10+ nodes.

Correct ?


The guides on the site have been built to support an internet connected install, I have run into issues trying to get PWA to come online.


[root@localhost tmp]# rpm -ivh perfsonar-psconfig-web-admin-ui-4.2.4-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

error: Failed dependencies:

   /usr/bin/node is needed by perfsonar-psconfig-web-admin-ui-4.2.4-1.el7.x86_64

   mongodb is needed by perfsonar-psconfig-web-admin-ui-4.2.4-1.el7.x86_64

   mongodb-server is needed by perfsonar-psconfig-web-admin-ui-4.2.4-1.el7.x86_64

   nodejs is needed by perfsonar-psconfig-web-admin-ui-4.2.4-1.el7.x86_64

   perfsonar-psconfig-web-admin-auth is needed by perfsonar-psconfig-web-admin-ui-4.2.4-1.el7.x86_64

   perfsonar-psconfig-web-admin-shared is needed by perfsonar-psconfig-web-admin-ui-4.2.4-1.el7.x86_64


Also, have overcome some issues with host ip not showing by editing, using private address space.


allow_internal_addresses  1



Thank you for your time


Paul Manomaitis                                                                                                                 

Sr. Network Engineer II                                                                                                       

720-216-8557 Office                                                                                                            


Raytheon Technologies

Intelligence, Information, and Service

16800 East CentreTech Parkway

Aurora, Colorado 80011



CCNP R&S, CCNA R&S, CASP, Network+, Linux+, Server+, Sec+, A+




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