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perfsonar-user - Re: [perfsonar-user] Missing results from OWAMP measurements in one of the directions

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Re: [perfsonar-user] Missing results from OWAMP measurements in one of the directions

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Andrew Lake" <>
  • To: "GarnizovIvan (RRZE)" <>
  • Cc: "perfsonar-user" <>
  • Subject: Re: [perfsonar-user] Missing results from OWAMP measurements in one of the directions
  • Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2015 05:11:17 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Ivan,

Perhaps server C has improper testports defined in it’s /etc/owampd/owampd.conf file? When C initiates a test, it starts a client program called powstream. Powstream does not check with the local owampd to determine things like ports, so if it us either using the client defaults (8760-8960) or whatever you give -P. You can run “ps auxw | grep powstream” to see what options it’s getting. It appears whatever powstream is doing on C works just fine. In contrast, when a test is initiated from A or B, the testport used on C is that returned by C’s owampd.conf. If the range is different, perhaps you are hitting a firewall. 

Another thing to check would be the /var/log/perfsonar/owamp_bwctl.log for and session denied errors or similar. 

Finally, I assume you are using the mesh config and did not configure these hosts by hand? It’s possible to set a test to be send_only or receive_only in regular_testing.conf, so if that happened it would also explain the behavior.


On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 12:19 PM, Garnizov, Ivan (RRZE) <> wrote:

Dear perfSONAR developers,


I have this strange case where latency measurements between hosts are running in a predefined mesh.

What I observe though is that MA on host A and B has collected results with them being the destination.

When I look at host C though which is also part of the mesh it has results for A->C, C->A, B->C and B->C,

where on B again I have the results for C->B only and no data for the reverse test.


I also produced short CLI test on both B and C. And results of both direction appear at both places. (still these are short term tests)

It makes no sense to me, since I expect that the control connection between 2 hosts in an OWAMP test is continuous.


I also checked the regular_testing.log.

On host B I can find Esmond requests to store the results with the B being destination, but not as a source.

On host C I can find Esmond requests with both C as source and destination for this measurement.


On host B I see all the traceroute data recorded to all remote hosts.

On host B there is 1 other host Z, for which OWAMP results are present on this server both sender and receiver.



In fact I decided besides the short term test and despite the mesh generated test to create manually an OWAMP test on host B. This immediately resulted in having both results recorded.

Please give some hints on reasons that may prevent results from being recorded on host B for the forward direction of OWAMP tests.

Is there a way, apart from restarting the whole box, to make the results available for both directions.



Best regards,



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