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perfsonar-dev - Re: [pS-dev] Gls infrastructure is down.

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Re: [pS-dev] Gls infrastructure is down.

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Herbert Monteiro" <>
  • To: " List" <>
  • Subject: Re: [pS-dev] Gls infrastructure is down.
  • Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 15:34:47 -0300
  • Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws;; s=gamma; h=message-id:date:from:to:subject:in-reply-to:mime-version :content-type:content-transfer-encoding:content-disposition :references; b=kbBPdnvV/olRXMI0dEc5Y18+23kF8GyHBa9/+flEbJOMXeEDjmK9xY2wIG/aQquH28 0jqTfz9T7OhtMQEZ/e8EOjlAZ3+VhwXrhXErjs25ZyGjzmlmpkSVmKznXRCABlro2pwE UacE9F1AcbeGC0KTA7jyCTmAAmo35WLYJDCjg=

Hi Jason and all,

The RNP gLS was fixed with the file ( change!


2008/11/20 Jason Zurawski
> Hans Trompert wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The last couple of days I've been working on setting up an environment
>> here at SURFnet to beta test our flowsub MP and flowsa MA. I was following
>> the Admin Guide (which by the way could use some reviewing before we
>> actually give this to end users) to setup the environment and was getting
>> strange errors. The good news for me is that most of my problems seem to be
>> related to the unavailability of the gLS infrastructure. The bad news is
>> that I really need the the gLS to make the beta tests useful. Is there any
>> indication on when the problems are going to be fixed?
> The following gLSs from the list have been patched with a temporary fix
> until we can figure out what the problem is:
> I expect the other gLSs to be updated in the next day when the maintainers
> get back to me about the status of applying the fix and restarting the
> services.
> -jason
>> On Wed, 19 Nov 2008, Michael Bischoff wrote:
>>>> Hi Fausto, Michael, Szymon, et al.
>>>> On Nov 19, 2008, at 6:25 AM, Fausto Vetter wrote:
>>>>> Hi Michael,
>>>>> That's really interesting. As far as I knew, from the beginning,
>>>>> soapaction for perfsonar services should be left blank. The code you
>>>>> presented below seems
>>>>> to expect anything ending with:
>>>>> message/
>>>> Well, we have not changed the SOAP portion of our code in a very, very
>>>> long time... And, this has worked up until very recently. I'd like to
>>>> know if there was a
>>>> change in the Java client requests. Did you change SOAP libraries?
>>> No, we didn't PerfsonarUI SOAP client bit is unchanged. As for LSClient
>>> API client bit it has
>>> unchanged as well and was working well with the previous Gls deployment
>>> (all perl).
>>>> It is clear there is an interoperability issue here - but it is not
>>>> something that is easy for us to fix for already deployed services. It
>>>> is of course something
>>>> we can address in our next release. But - we need to come up with a way
>>>> to move to that
>>>> without disabling existing deployments if we can.
>>>> Perhaps one of you could look at a previous version of pS-UI and look
>>>> at what it was sending before. We actually ran into this problem as well
>>>> when attempting to
>>>> demonstrate pS-UI with some of our services yesterday and realized this
>>>> was a problem. pS-UI
>>>> had always been able to access the Internet2 network SNMP-MA before, but
>>>> that was no longer
>>>> the case.
>>> As indicated above Ps-ui is unchanged, I suppose Nina can give the final
>>> confirmation.
>>>> Also, I believe this was working just last month when Szymon was
>>>> testing the Java hLS with our gLS implementation. So, I suspect
>>>> something changed in your
>>>> client libraries since then.
>>>>> Jason, could you have a look on it?
>>>> Jason, Aaron and I are in Austin at the SC08 conference, so you will
>>>> not hear from us much (if at all) this week. (And, we are all on
>>>> vacation with the U.S.
>>>> Thanksgiving holiday next week.)
>>>> We can (and will) put something into our next release - likely in
>>>> December. But, we have several deployments of the existing software
>>>> (not run by us) and it will take a fair amount of time to convince
>>>> other groups to upgrade.
>>>> thanks, jeff
>>> If all was unchanged(which is very likely to be true; considering version
>>> latest and the
>>> version before that both contain the code.) then the only thing I can
>>> think off is that the
>>> way it was being called has changed. I can't imagine anyone fiddling with
>>> the soap header's
>>> afaik in Ps-ui. I can say with certainty that I'm not touching it in any
>>> way in the Ls
>>> Client.
>>> Have perl services changed the way that they are started recently?
>>> I know to little about the perl implementation to say anything more
>>> sensible.
>>> It seems that in soap 1.2 there is no such header any more anyway.
>>> As a work around I suppose you can always add a filter that manipulates
>>> the header field.
>>> Will investigate further,
>>> Regards,
>>> Michael

Herbert Monteiro Souza
Brasil - Bahia - Salvador
NUPERC - Nucleus of Research
in Networks Computer
RNP - Brazilian National
Research Network

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