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perfsonar-dev - Re: [pS-dev] Gls infrastructure is down.

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Re: [pS-dev] Gls infrastructure is down.

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Michael Bischoff" <>
  • To: "Jeff W. Boote" <>
  • Cc: "Fausto Vetter" <>, "Szymon Trocha" <>, "Jason Zurawski" <>,
  • Subject: Re: [pS-dev] Gls infrastructure is down.
  • Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 16:15:27 +0100 (CET)
  • Importance: Normal

> Hi Fausto, Michael, Szymon, et al.
> On Nov 19, 2008, at 6:25 AM, Fausto Vetter wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> That's really interesting. As far as I knew, from the beginning,
>> soapaction for perfsonar services should be left blank. The code you
>> presented below seems
>> to expect anything ending with:
>> message/
> Well, we have not changed the SOAP portion of our code in a very, very
> long time... And, this has worked up until very recently. I'd like to know
> if there was a
> change in the Java client requests. Did you change SOAP libraries?

No, we didn't PerfsonarUI SOAP client bit is unchanged. As for LSClient API
client bit it has
unchanged as well and was working well with the previous Gls deployment (all

> It is clear there is an interoperability issue here - but it is not
> something that is easy for us to fix for already deployed services. It is
> of course something
> we can address in our next release. But - we need to come up with a way to
> move to that
> without disabling existing deployments if we can.
> Perhaps one of you could look at a previous version of pS-UI and look
> at what it was sending before. We actually ran into this problem as well
> when attempting to
> demonstrate pS-UI with some of our services yesterday and realized this was
> a problem. pS-UI
> had always been able to access the Internet2 network SNMP-MA before, but
> that was no longer
> the case.

As indicated above Ps-ui is unchanged, I suppose Nina can give the final

> Also, I believe this was working just last month when Szymon was
> testing the Java hLS with our gLS implementation. So, I suspect something
> changed in your
> client libraries since then.
>> Jason, could you have a look on it?
> Jason, Aaron and I are in Austin at the SC08 conference, so you will
> not hear from us much (if at all) this week. (And, we are all on vacation
> with the U.S.
> Thanksgiving holiday next week.)
> We can (and will) put something into our next release - likely in
> December. But, we have several deployments of the existing software
> (not run by us) and it will take a fair amount of time to convince
> other groups to upgrade.
> thanks, jeff

If all was unchanged(which is very likely to be true; considering version
latest and the
version before that both contain the code.) then the only thing I can think
off is that the
way it was being called has changed. I can't imagine anyone fiddling with the
soap header's
afaik in Ps-ui. I can say with certainty that I'm not touching it in any way
in the Ls

Have perl services changed the way that they are started recently?

I know to little about the perl implementation to say anything more sensible.

It seems that in soap 1.2 there is no such header any more anyway.

As a work around I suppose you can always add a filter that manipulates the
header field.

Will investigate further,



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