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perfsonar-dev - Re: [pS-dev] Reminder - Conf. Call - MDM perfsonar 3.0 release - 29 Nov - tomorrow

Subject: perfsonar development work

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Re: [pS-dev] Reminder - Conf. Call - MDM perfsonar 3.0 release - 29 Nov - tomorrow

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Loukik Kudarimoti <>
  • To: Stijn Melis <>
  • Cc: , 'Nicolas Simar' <>, 'Michael Michalis' <>, 'Prodromos Gerakios' <>, 'Ilias Tsompanidis' <>, 'Guilherme Fernandes' <>, 'Cándido Rodríguez Montes' <>, 'Szymon Trocha' <>, 'Maciej Glowiak' <>, 'Roman Lapacz' <>, "'Matthias K. Hamm'" <>, 'Mark Yampolskiy' <>, 'Jochen Reinwand' <>, 'Verena Venus' <>, 'Athanassios Liakopoulos' <>,
  • Subject: Re: [pS-dev] Reminder - Conf. Call - MDM perfsonar 3.0 release - 29 Nov - tomorrow
  • Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 13:44:42 +0000

Stijn Melis wrote:
Hi all,

There was a power failure during the conf call so I got disconnected. Sorry about that.

I'll give my status update by mail instead:

SSH key login with a passphrase has been done. However, since we don't have a router which makes use of this login mechanism I can't test if it actually works (it should though).
Want to test with the GEANT2 testbed router?

Encryption of the password in the file has been done. This took longer than expected (there were some unexpected problems storing the encrypted password), but it is now fully functional.

I am starting the work on the XML metadata configuration file today.

I believe I am still on schedule for the Release Candidates.



Luis Marta wrote:
Hi all.
This email is a reminder of the conf. call that is happening tomorrow,
Thursday 29 November 13:00h - 14:00h CET - 12:00 - 13:00 GMT.
The agenda is available at this link:
We need all the developers that have services included in the MDM perfSONAR
3.0 Bundle to be present and give the Release Team an update on the state of
development and documentation on their services.
Updates on testing, rpm installation and visual configuration will also be
given. Cheers,
Luís Marta.


L o u k i k K u d a r i m o t i

* * Network Engineer
* * City House, 126 - 130, Hills Road
* Cambridge CB2 1PQ, United Kingdom
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