perfsonar-dev - Re: [pS-dev] Product Specification Document - feedback request
Subject: perfsonar development work
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- From: Loukik Kudarimoti <>
- To:
- Cc: maxim <>, , 'Andreas Hanemann' <>, 'Nina Jeliazkova' <>, 'Roman Lapacz' <>, 'Maciej Glowiak' <>, 'Michael Michalis' <>, 'Vedrin Jeliazkov' <>, 'Jochen Reinwand' <>, 'Verena Venus' <>, 'Stijn Verstichel' <>, 'Stijn Melis' <>, 'Ilias Tsompanidis' <>, , 'Szymon Trocha' <>,
- Subject: Re: [pS-dev] Product Specification Document - feedback request
- Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 10:35:19 +0100
Jason Zurawski wrote:
Loukik;Jason, its a typo. we meant to say 5.6.1 or later. As I said, the correctness of these versions is not what we would like you to focus on but rather the depth of the content.
I understand your surprise. We meant to say perl version 6.2 or later. Clearly, we forgot to put the later bit.
I think the surprise comes from using such a new version of perl. 6.2 is very young compared to the longevity of version 5. Is there a particular reason that 6 is required?
L o u k i k K u d a r i m o t i
* * Network Engineer
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- Product Specification Document - feedback request, Luis Marta, 09/27/2007
- RE: [pS-dev] Product Specification Document - feedback request, maxim, 09/27/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Product Specification Document - feedback request, Loukik Kudarimoti, 09/28/2007
- Re: [PS-relmgmt] Re: [pS-dev] Product Specification Document - feedback request, Michael Michalis, 09/28/2007
- Re: [PS-relmgmt] Re: [pS-dev] Product Specification Document - feedback request, Loukik Kudarimoti, 09/28/2007
- RE: [PS-relmgmt] Re: [pS-dev] Product Specification Document - feedback request, maxim, 09/28/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Product Specification Document - feedback request, Jason Zurawski, 09/28/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Product Specification Document - feedback request, Loukik Kudarimoti, 09/28/2007
- Re: [PS-relmgmt] Re: [pS-dev] Product Specification Document - feedback request, Michael Michalis, 09/28/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Product Specification Document - feedback request, Loukik Kudarimoti, 09/28/2007
- RE: [pS-dev] Product Specification Document - feedback request, maxim, 09/27/2007
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