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perfsonar-dev - Re: Unique service name

Subject: perfsonar development work

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Re: Unique service name

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Matthias K. Hamm" <>
  • To: Loukik Kudarimoti <>
  • Cc: GEANT2-JRA1 <>, Mark Yampolskiy <>, "" <>, Nicolas Simar <>, "Matthias K. Hamm" <>, Szymon Trocha <>
  • Subject: Re: Unique service name
  • Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2006 12:47:43 +0100
  • Organization: DFN

Loukik Kudarimoti schrieb:
Matthias K. Hamm wrote:
Hi Loukik, Nicolas,

is it OK that we use E2Emon as the unique service name for our "JRA4 MP" throughout the perfSONAR release documents?
It sounds OK to me although I have a question: what exactly is E2EMon? Is it your Web Service software only? Is it the name of your project which produces Web Service software & analysis tool?
Michael in his abstract for TNC gives the following explanation:

" A scalable, distributed, near real-time E2E managed wavelength service monitoring system has
been developed. This system has acquired the working name of “E2Emon” and takes the form of
a set of distributed software modules that use a common interface to communicate with each
other and make use of a dedicated management object information model. This system has
been integrated with the perfSONAR monitoring framework ..."

Following that, E2Emon somewhat like an "umbrella term", so we can speak of an "E2Emon MP" and an "E2Emon Client".

BTW: What is the unique service name for the SQL MA, which acts as MA for E2EMon?

The unique service name is SQL MA (also called SQL Type MA). This SQL MA is currently capable of providing access to Utilization data as well as status of lightpaths. The deployer can configure it based on the metric that he/she wishes to export.

I reckon the name will remain the same in future but the SQL MA will be enhanced in future to provide access to more metrics.

Also, I am a bit confused about the phrase 'acts as MA for E2EMon'. Maybe because I don't understand what is E2EMon composed of? For us, our SQL MA is a measurement archive that can be accessed by any client. One such client is the JRA4 analysis tool.
We fully agree. However - from our point of view - due to the integration in perfSONAR, other services - like SQL Type MA - can "act as an E2Emon MA" if they support the specific NMWG requests for E2Emon and are involved into provisioning of measurement data for E2Emon, although the services of course have a broader scope in general. Nothing else. What do you think?






Loukik Kudarimoti schrieb:

The template for functional specification, which was not attached in the original email is now attached in this email. It is also available via the URL present in the Hand over document.


Loukik Kudarimoti wrote:

A .pdf document explaining the hand over process for perfSONAR 1.1 release is in attachment. The process defined in this document will be used for the upcoming pS 1.1 bundle release.

Developers, please note: If your service is shortlisted to be included in the upcoming release, please read this document and if you have any questions please raise them during the release management conf. calls which are held weekly (the next one is on 5th of December 2006). More information (list of services included, due dates, etc..) are available here:

Templates for documents:
The Hand over process requires some documents to be provided along with software and installation scripts. The hand over process document gives you a list of necessary documents. URLs for these templates are in the annex. They are also attached in this email.

Sample documents:
The intention behind these samples is to be able to help you in using the templates easily and effectively. We do not have samples for all the document yet. We hope to have these ready soon. The sample document for specfication of rrd ma configuration file is in attachment.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us at any time.

The Release Management team


Matthias Hamm

Leibniz-Rechenzentrum / Leibniz Computing Centre
Raum I.2.107
Boltzmannstrasse 1, 85748 Garching, Germany
Telefon: +49 89 35831-8832
Fax: +49 89 35831-9700


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