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mace-opensaml-users - Registering new statement factory method in Cpp code

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Registering new statement factory method in Cpp code

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Markus Lorch <>
  • To:
  • Subject: Registering new statement factory method in Cpp code
  • Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 11:05:40 -0400

Hi Scott,

I have developed a new ObligatedAuthorizationDecisionStatement that is an extension of the standard AuthorizationDecisionStatement and includes
one more element called "XACMLObligation".

I extended the Java classes to create that statement and can package it
in a response on the service side.

My client is written in C/C++. So I've been trying to extend the OpenSAML C++ implementation to parse the response with the new statement.

I've extended the XSD and the parser runs through the received XML
fine but then SAMLStatement fails to locate the implementation of

I looked how SAMLAuthorizationDecisionStatement is registered and tried
to do the same thing but I must be missing something. I added the items listed below to the respecive files. Make etc. compiles the new statement fine.

Can you point me to what I am missing



Markus Lorch
Department of Computer Science
Virginia Tech

receives NULL on:
but then creates the QName via
type=auto_ptr<saml::QName>(new saml::QName(e->getNamespaceURI(),e->getLocalName()));

the new QName )passed to the SAMLStatemntFactoryMap holds:
localname: ObligatedAuthorizationDecisionStatement
namespace: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion

(I purposely used the SAML namespace for startes to make it simpler>


extern "C" SAMLStatement* ObligatedAuthorizationDecisionStatementFactory(DOMElement *e) {
return new ObligatedAuthorizationDecisionStatement(e);
QName s7(XML::SAML_NS,L(ObligatedAuthorizationDecisionStatementType));
QName s8(XML::SAML_NS,L(ObligatedAuthorizationDecisionStatement)); SAMLStatement::regFactory(s7,&ObligatedAuthorizationDecisionStatementFactory);


const XMLCh XML::Literals::ObligatedAuthorizationDecisionStatement[]=
const XMLCh XML::Literals::ObligatedAuthorizationDecisionStatementType[]=


static const XMLCh ObligatedAuthorizationDecisionStatement[];
static const XMLCh ObligatedAuthorizationDecisionStatementType[];

class SAML_EXPORTS ObligatedAuthorizationDecisionStatement : public SAMLSubjectStatement
(Ideally I want this to inerhit from SAMLAuthorizationDecisionStatement but for starters it is "exactly" the same as SAMLAuthorizationDecisionStatemt - just the name changed)

Response with statement looks like this:

<Response .....
<Assertion ...
<ObligatedAuthorizationDecisionStatement Decision="Permit" Resource="gram://" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion">

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