- From: "Kim Owen" <>
- To: <>, <>
- Subject: Fwd: NEON Successfully Passes Final Design Review]
- Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 10:41:10 -0600
Hi everyone - I'm forwarding the news release regarding NEON's recent
successful completion of the final design review process. Feel free to visit
the web site (
http://www.neoninc.org/) to learn more about where the 20
domains are located across the U.S. and how close you'll be to one of the
research centers. From what I understand from our domain coordinator here,
education outreach is a high priority for this project.
NEON's headquarters is located in D.C. so I'm hopeful we can get someone to
at least visit with us briefly at the K20 meeting in April. I've also
encouraged them to let me submit a proposal for a concurrent session. When I
asked them about doing this earlier they were still too busy (and working
with limited staff) to put time toward this - I'm hoping now they'll want to
share these latest updates with the larger community.
And - please respond if you have thoughts/concerns on holding off on this
content until it's closer to actually be ready for implementation. I know
we've had conversations about some of these "future" projects before -so if
you feel it would be best to hold off for awhile, we can do that too.
Thanks all!
Kim Owen, Advanced Applications Coordinator
North Dakota State University
Information Technology Services
1320 Albrecht Blvd
Fargo, ND 58105 - 5659
(desk) 701.231.9522
(mobile) 701.490.1481
--- Begin Message ---
- From: "NEON, Inc." <>
- To: <>
- Subject: NEON Successfully Passes Final Design Review
- Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 15:48:42 -0600
NEON Successfully Passes Final Design Review |
NEON, Inc. has successfully completed a National Science Foundation (NSF) Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction (MREFC) Final Design Review (FDR) of the plans for the design and execution of the NEON project, bringing the first-ever continental ecological observatory one big step closer to reality. The final design review is a major planning milestone in the design and execution of the NEON project.
NEON plans to build 62 sites across the U.S. by 2016 that will provide information about the impacts of climate change, land use change and invasive species on natural resources and biodiversity. NEON will be the first observatory of its kind to collect data that will help scientists forecast ecological change at continental scales over multiple decades.
The review panel evaluated project management strategies and budgets for construction and operation of the NEON observatory.
"Developing an effort of this magnitude, within NSF's rigorous culture of excellence, requires an outstanding concept," said David Schimel, CEO of NEON. "Successful completion of this review means that NEON has the focus, scientific credibility and overall excellence required of a top-notch scientific facility."
NEON will utilize cutting-edge technology to gather and synthesize data from each of its 62 sites, as well as data from airborne observations, experiments, and land use studies. These data and information products will be made available in near real-time to scientists, educators, students, decision makers, and the public.
A final design review is one of a series of project design reviews that takes place during the design and development phase of a project receiving funding from the NSF's Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction (MREFC) account. During each review, NEON teams presented detailed project scope, budgets, designs, risks, and project management strategies for construction and operations of the NEON project to a panel of expert reviewers convened by the NSF.
"Our success in this review is a major leap forward in realizing a project that will provide world-class data for ecological science and education. I am truly proud of the NEON team's achievement and am eager to continue our project development in the coming year," said NEON Project Manager Tony Beasley.
With the successful completion of FDR, the NEON project will now submit the request for construction of its research facility to the NSF. |
Contact: |
Jennifer Walton
5340 Airport Blvd.
Boulder, CO 80301
P: (720) 746-4936
Copyright © 2009 NEON, Inc. All rights reserved.
NEON, Inc. | 5340 Airport Blvd., Boulder, CO 80301 | (720) 746-4844 The National Ecological Observatory Network is a project sponsored by the National Science Foundation and managed under cooperative agreement by NEON, Inc |
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NEON Inc | 5340 Airport Blvd. | Boulder | CO | 80301
--- End Message ---
- Fwd: NEON Successfully Passes Final Design Review], Kim Owen, 01/21/2010
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