grouper-users - Re: [grouper-users] loader performance
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- From: Jon Gorrono <>
- To: Gagné Sébastien <>
- Cc: Chris Hyzer <>,
- Subject: Re: [grouper-users] loader performance
- Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 21:19:28 -0700
Thanks for all the input, Chris and Sebastien.
I’ll chime in with my experience :
We did a custom loader job since we had more complex transformations to do. The Java classes uses the Grouper API and my subject source is LDAP.
Running a full import of 10 500 groups with 311 000 memberships (113 000 subjects) took 8 hours to complete. Running an update with no membership changes took only 2 hours (we check and edit group attributes).
The biggest performance improvement was caching all the subjects at once at startup in one query (takes 45 secs). Adding an uncached subject took ~250ms while adding a cached subject took ~50ms
I’m not sure what Grouper does, but it has a native non-negligible overhead however you try to improve performance around it. To improve our loader job’s performance I’m trying to reduce the number of calls to Grouper.
De : [] De la part de Chris Hyzer
Envoyé : 12 octobre 2012 01:11
À : Jon Gorrono
Cc :
Objet : RE: [grouper-users] loader performance
I just started a loader job for penn with 29k new members. I made sure to have a SUBJECT_SOURCE_ID column in the loader query (this should speed things up), and use SUBJECT_ID and not SUBJECT_IDENTIFIER (also speeds things up). It is processing 300 records per minute, which is similar to the performance you are seeing (maybe a little worse). However, the run of a loaded 30k member group takes 2 minutes (added/removed 100 members).
Btw, this means that there is 200ms to add a member to a group (our registry has 5 million memberships), which is due to the queries required to do change to the registry, auditing, change log, rules, composites, etc. At some point we should profile this to see if it can get faster, though it seems acceptable.
From: Jon Gorrono []
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 6:45 PM
To: Chris Hyzer
Subject: Re: [grouper-users] loader performance
Thanks for the response, Chris.
I eventually did start the process again and watched the grouper log and it was chugging... I pared the list of users down to active accounts (a little less than 99k) and it took 4 hours to complete.
Your right, indexes are probably the key... I added one to the id column in table the underlying the view, and a reran (with no membership changes) and it took 5 minutes. So that looks good
I also wondered if there might be a significant lag in using gsh since it uses REST calls... eg might it be faster run as a cron job? I can't get the cron to start for some reason so I haven't tested that theory yet.
Who is Shilen?
On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 7:48 PM, Chris Hyzer <> wrote:
Shilen always says to analyze your tables… try this in the grouper DB to all the grouper tables, and I guess in your source. Is it indexed for ID and IDENTIFIER? I don’t think it should be slower if a different DB than the Grouper one, unless it is on a different continent or something.
The loader will commit as it goes, so it is partially done. See how many users are in the group:
select count(*) from grouper_memberships_lw_v where group_name = 'test:testGroup' and list_name = 'members'
Start up that job again, and as it runs, check the progress with the count query. The first run is always slow, since it is adding each membership, and subsequent runs will be a lot faster since it only has the diffs to do, e.g. a few dozen or hundred memberships or something
From: [] On Behalf Of Jon Gorrono
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 5:47 PM
Subject: [grouper-users] loader performance
I am still down in the shallow end here :)
I am a little surprised at the time it is taking to load a group with the loader
I've created a simple view with subject_id and subject_source_id and defined the group in the ui and created a loader job in the group attributes to select users from the view for the group
There are about 130k users and in this case they are all being shoved into one group
The source for the subjects api lookups is a different view on the same remote machine as the view used by the loader to populate the group and is using the C3p0 jdbc connection provider
The network is not likely the bottleneck, and the machines, both 'development-quality', are not top-notch but their mid-range performance is usually adequate for sane debug cycles etc.
The loader had been 40 minutes and had not yet finished when I had it was stopped (abruptly, heh) for scheduled patching.
I am guessing that the struggle it is having is with the remote source for the subjects...
So I guess my question is... is it really practical to have a remote subject source? Given the answer is 'yes' then there would be some better alternate questions, but I am not sure what good ones might be right now.
Any comments, questions, suggestions are welcome.
Jon Gorrono
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Jon Gorrono
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Jon Gorrono
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- [grouper-users] loader performance, Jon Gorrono, 10/10/2012
- RE: [grouper-users] loader performance, Chris Hyzer, 10/10/2012
- Re: [grouper-users] loader performance, Jon Gorrono, 10/11/2012
- RE: [grouper-users] loader performance, Chris Hyzer, 10/11/2012
- RE: [grouper-users] loader performance, Chris Hyzer, 10/12/2012
- RE: [grouper-users] loader performance, Gagné Sébastien, 10/12/2012
- Re: [grouper-users] loader performance, Jon Gorrono, 10/16/2012
- RE: [grouper-users] loader performance, Gagné Sébastien, 10/16/2012
- RE: [grouper-users] loader performance, Chris Hyzer, 10/16/2012
- Re: [grouper-users] loader performance, Jon Gorrono, 10/16/2012
- Re: [grouper-users] loader performance, Jon Gorrono, 10/16/2012
- RE: [grouper-users] loader performance, Chris Hyzer, 10/16/2012
- Re: [grouper-users] loader performance, Jon Gorrono, 10/17/2012
- RE: [grouper-users] loader performance, Chris Hyzer, 10/17/2012
- Re: [grouper-users] loader performance, Jon Gorrono, 10/17/2012
- Re: [grouper-users] loader performance, Jon Gorrono, 10/16/2012
- RE: [grouper-users] loader performance, Gagné Sébastien, 10/12/2012
- Re: [grouper-users] loader performance, Jon Gorrono, 10/11/2012
- RE: [grouper-users] loader performance, Chris Hyzer, 10/10/2012
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