grouper-users - RE: [grouper-users] Grouper and AD
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- From: Gagné Sébastien <>
- To: "Chris Hyzer" <>, <>
- Subject: RE: [grouper-users] Grouper and AD
- Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 10:01:17 -0400
University of Montreal would probably be interested in #2; we could still
have externally managed groups.
We have not yet deployed, but as far as I know, you could have mixed groups
managed by Grouper or AD.
- Setting the groups and Stems to NOT be authoritative will prevent Grouper
from erasing everything.
- Using the PSP, the changelog provisioning will delete groups created in
- If you need to see the AD managed groups in Grouper, then the Grouper
Loader would need to be used (I still need to do this part)
We have yet to figure out exactly how groups will be managed in the whole
institution, but I'm planning to have at least part of the groups managed by
Hope this helps a little
-----Message d'origine-----
De :
De la part de Chris Hyzer
Envoyé : 12 avril 2012 09:41
À :
Objet : [grouper-users] Grouper and AD
Penn is planning to install and maintain a central Active Directory service.
A couple of questions:
1. Does anyone delegate the authentication to kerberos or radius? How does
that work?
2. Does anyone have AD managed groups and Grouper managed groups in the same
AD? How is that organized?
- [grouper-users] Grouper and AD, Chris Hyzer, 04/12/2012
- Re: [grouper-users] Grouper and AD, Rob Hebron, 04/12/2012
- RE: [grouper-users] Grouper and AD, THIA Jean-Marie, 04/13/2012
- RE: [grouper-users] Grouper and AD, Chris Hyzer, 04/13/2012
- RE: [grouper-users] Grouper and AD, THIA Jean-Marie, 04/13/2012
- RE: [grouper-users] Grouper and AD, Chris Hyzer, 04/13/2012
- RE: [grouper-users] Grouper and AD, THIA Jean-Marie, 04/13/2012
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- RE: [grouper-users] Grouper and AD, Gagné Sébastien, 04/12/2012
- Re: [grouper-users] Grouper and AD, Rob Hebron, 04/12/2012
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