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grouper-users - Re: [grouper-users] Ldappc and Grouper privileges

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Re: [grouper-users] Ldappc and Grouper privileges

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Arnaud Deman <>
  • To: Tom Barton <>
  • Cc:
  • Subject: Re: [grouper-users] Ldappc and Grouper privileges
  • Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 16:42:45 +0100
  • Organization: GIP RECIA

Hi Tom,

For exemple, for the read privilege, we would like to have in the groups entries the attributes reader for the readers' dn and hasReader for their id. Ideally we would also like to have the attribute isReaderOf for the subject entry. It would be te same idea for the admin privilege.


Tom Barton a écrit :
Ldappc does not have that capability, but I'm curious about how you'd want that info to appear in your ldap directory. What, precisely, would you want Ldappc to do? Maybe it can be arranged...


Arnaud Deman wrote:

We are using Grouper and Ldappc and we wondered if there is a way to provision the privileges (i.e. admin, read, etc.). We don't use Signet for now.



Arnaud Deman
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