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comanage-dev - Re: [comanage-dev] Semi-Daily Stand-update

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Re: [comanage-dev] Semi-Daily Stand-update

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Benn Oshrin <>
  • To: comanage-dev <>
  • Cc: Heather Flanagan <>
  • Subject: Re: [comanage-dev] Semi-Daily Stand-update
  • Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:18:11 -0500

(Comments to Marie in line, below)

Done: Fixed pagination bug on the second try, now done with about 7 of 23 controllers. Unfortunately it hasn't accelerated yet... if there are 3 ways to do something, the COmanage code does it all 3 ways, and then has a 4th way that broke because we haven't tested it lately :P

Todo: 3 more controllers by Wed.

Blockers: Jury duty isn't going to help much...

On 1/30/12 11:50 AM, Marie Huynh wrote:
Did: uploaded what I had; can be seen at
<> with login test:asdf; chasing down
some CSS rendering bugs that don't show up in all browsers or are
rendering differently between my machine and from coriander. Weird.

I'm getting connection refused.

To do: fix CSS bugs, figure out why the name of the home institution
(under My Account>
Manage Identity) doesn't show up on all pages(though the link works
fine). It may be easiest to change it back to "Home Identity".

It may be easiest, but we should first understand why the name isn't rendering. Are you relying on a variable that isn't set for all views?

Questions: The items in the menu for Organizations require selecting a
CO. I could add a submenu to each one that allows for that selection,
but that feels clunky. Any ideas for a more user-friendly way of doing
this that can avoid the CO selection page? If not, I'll just pop in the

Shouldn't any links that require a CO be auto-generated to encode the current CO (as selected by the CO dropdown)?


On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Marie Huynh

Did: meetings, worked on notification dropdown, current myligo
Todo: figure out what the notification system should pass in and
how, reupload to Coriander (dev machine) for you guys to poke at
Blockers(sort of): How flexible should the notification system be?
Should the title of each section in notifications be passed in or
will there be set categories that will be displayed if they are not
empty? I currently have it written with set categories and an
"other", but that could easily be changed.

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 6:04 AM, Benn Oshrin


Done: Only got one more done before running into a cake
pagination bug. I think I have a workaround but need to test it.
Todo: 2 or 3 more by Monday
Blockers: See below

On 1/25/12 8:29 AM, Benn Oshrin wrote:

Done: Approximately 4 of 23 controllers migrated to Cake 2
Todo: Hopefully 2 or 3 more by Friday (it should accelerate
after that)
Blockers: Who picked this %^&$#!* framework anyway?

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