campweek2021-10 - [campweek2021-10] Tuesday @ The CAMPground
Subject: InCommon CAMP & ACAMP
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- From: Jeanetta Caligari <>
- To: "" <>, "" <>
- Subject: [campweek2021-10] Tuesday @ The CAMPground
- Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2021 22:09:41 +0000
- Suggested_attachment_session_id: 508d408f-c11e-59f3-f378-979e0e9c81e2

Hello, everyone!
We made it through day 1 of CAMP Week with a fantastic start to our event! A big thank you to everyone who led a presentation on Monday. Here are some tips + reminders ahead of tomorrow.
Tuesday’s Program
We have a special guest lined up for Tuesday's welcome! Klaas Wierenga from GÉANT will be giving us opening remarks, so be sure to join us in the Dining Hall again a few minutes before10:00 am EDT (14:00 CEST).
The rest of the day will follow in a similar fashion to Monday for breakout sessions and BoFs, with the addition of quick + fun lightning talks during one of the tracks! You can check out the full day's schedule in Canvas.
As a reminder, we also have quick surveys to collect your input on all presentations. If you forgot to complete the surveys for Monday, no worries! You can head back to Day 1 and submit your feedback at any point this week.
Also, drum roll please, the ACAMP Mural board officially opens tomorrow at 10:00 am EDT (16:00 CEST) for Wednesday topic submissions! Read all about the process here.
Continue to post your questions, comments, photos, etc. in Slack! If you have questions, ping Netta Caligari (@netta) and Carlee Van Wagner (@cvanwagner), or reply to this email.
(If you’re not in our 'campweek' Slack channel, please let me know so that we can get you in the mix).
Fireside Chats
It was exciting seeing so many of you participate in fireside chats. The app will stay open throughout the entirety of CAMP Week, with peak hours from 8:00 - 10:00 am EDT (14:00 - 16:00 CEST) and after 2:50 pm EDT (20:50 CEST) on Tuesday. If you have an interesting conversation going on in one of the social rooms, post the topic + park name in Slack - you never know who else might be interested in joining! 🙂
Our Sponsors
Shout out to West Arete, Unicon, and Cirrus Identity! They helped make this conference possible, so be sure to say hi during CAMP Week.
If you have questions related to CAMP, ping Netta Caligari (@netta) and Carlee Van Wagner (@cvanwagner) in Slack, or reply to this email.
Thanks, CAMPers! See you online tomorrow.
Netta Caligari (she/her/hers)
InCommon Community Success Manager
Internet2 [campweek2021-10] Tuesday @ The CAMPground, Jeanetta Caligari, 10/04/2021
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