campweek2021-10 - [campweek2021-10] CAMP Week Starts on Monday!
Subject: InCommon CAMP & ACAMP
List archive
- From: Jeanetta Caligari <>
- To: "" <>, "" <>
- Subject: [campweek2021-10] CAMP Week Starts on Monday!
- Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2021 17:38:32 +0000
- Suggested_attachment_session_id: 0b678994-2037-4012-9337-a189388a4120

Hello, everyone!
Loving these Sunday vibes ahead of CAMP Week, kicking off tomorrow! Here are some details + information to help us start strong on Monday.
Dates and Times
CAMP Week runs October 4 -8, 2021. Each day starts at 8:00 - 10:00 am EDT (14:00 - 16:00 CEST) with social time (fireside chats) and ends with more (fun!) social time, wrapping up by 5:00 pm EDT (23:00 CEST).
We will start promptly at 10:00 EDT (16:00 CEST), so be sure to join us in the Dining Hall. If you can, we suggest arriving a few minutes early each day so that you are ready to roll.
Monday’s Program
Internet2’s Kevin Morooney will set the tone of the conference before we dive into our opening plenary on library access of the future. From there, you can choose your own adventure with track sessions and 'Birds of a Feather' discussions around topics of interest.
Canvas contains information about each session, and Zoom is integrated with the interface - just click on the room name to join the meeting. You are welcome to hop back and forth between sessions, or stick to one track at a time. All presentations for the first two days of CAMP Week will be recorded, so no need to worry about missing any content!
After each session, be sure to head back to Canvas and fill out a very quick survey. Your feedback is incredibly valuable for the future of InCommon events, and it's a great way to show the presenters some love for their hard work. You will find each session's survey above the presentation abstracts for Monday (and Tuesday).
All of the Zoom links are in Canvas. Feel free to use the Zoom chat feature during presentation sessions for questions, input, and feedback!
We encourage you to turn on your cameras when you can -- this is very helpful as we all get to know one another. Even better, it would be fun to see backgrounds that represent your institution, are camping-related, or anything else in the spirit of our conference! All creative Zoom backgrounds are welcome, and our CAMP map is attached to this email as well + free to use! We also suggest that you update your Zoom name to include your name + institution to help us all become acquainted with each other.
The conference schedule and content are housed in our learning management system, Canvas. After registering, you should have received an invite to authenticate your access. If you are having any problems logging into Canvas, please email for assistance.
Before the start of each day, please review the program and resources that are posted in Canvas. This is an interactive conference, so come armed with questions and topics for discussion to make the most out of our time together.
Slack is the place to be for conversation during and after the event. Post questions + comments, chat with your peers, and help provide guidance for others.
If you’re not in our 'campweek' Slack channel, please respond to this email so that we can get you in the mix.
Fireside Chats
Each day will start and end with fireside chats - this is your time to connect with the community outside of session times. Come say hello and hang out! BYOS (Bring Your Own S’more).
Quick instructions for participating in fireside chats:
Our Sponsors
A huge thank you to sponsors West Arete, Unicon, and Cirrus Identity. You will have the opportunity to meet them during CAMP Week and learn a little about how they support the community.
If you have questions related to CAMP, ping Netta Caligari (@netta) and Carlee Van Wagner (@cvanwagner) in Slack, or reply to this email.
We can’t wait to see you all tomorrow!
Netta Caligari (she/her/hers)
InCommon Community Success Manager
Description: CAMPweek-map-2021.png
- [campweek2021-10] CAMP Week Starts on Monday!, Jeanetta Caligari, 10/03/2021
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