* the Multicast Beacon is alive and well at:
* what tools are being used for the beacon?
- Workshop status
* last one held was v4 at BHSU
* we've had one v6 multicast workshop, is there interest in offering it again?
* we'll need some material updates since the equipment has been reconfigured
- Richard talked about the Cisco conference he was at recently and the wide deployment of v4 and v6 multicast.
- Should the Cisco v6 multicast information be merged into the Internet2 materials?
- Multicast is still being used for:
* cable feed
* events
SAP to announce content? (Shumon)
DV Guide - elaine
- include an expiration date
- Hitoshi Asaeda, Japan developer is working on a a Channel Reflector
- should we ask the RONs who has v6 enabled?
- Should we list the schools that broadcast content?
Elaine Lauerman, Program Manager Events and The Commons
office: 734-913-4253 | mobile: 734-604-8064