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shibboleth-dev - Re: passive authN

Subject: Shibboleth Developers

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Re: passive authN

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Chad La Joie <>
  • To:
  • Subject: Re: passive authN
  • Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 14:21:44 -0400
  • Organization: UIS - Project Sentinel

Nathan Dors wrote:
This is good stuff. Will it be expanded into another draft document?

That is my intent. I haven't actually been in DC for an extended period of time for the last two months so I haven't had the chance to write this up yet. But yes, I want to do a write up on it. It won't be a draft profile like Scott's document because this stuff is just straight SAML2. So it will mostly be a design document.

Many homebrewed web SSO systems have their own AuthN request formats and dispatcher mechanisms to effect different modes of authentication. I'd like to get my head around that use case.

In Pubcookie, for example, the login server unbundles Pubcookie AuthN requests and decides which login "flavor" should handle it. Some sites just use the basic userid/password flavor. Other sites have added additional flavors for SecurID, PKI, etc. Each flavor can decide what to do about re-authentication; it's just a parameter. (In Pubcookie, it's also "variable", meaning re-auth can depend on how long it's been since the user last authenticated, but don't let that sidetrack us here.)

Yes, these things are either directly required by SAML2 or could be added in to Shibboleth very easily. My intent is to allow this sort of functionality to be very easily layered in. For example, SAML2 doesn't specify a timeout for a particular authentication mechanism. I believe we'll include that in stock Shibboleth but it will be included in the same way you'd include some other, more institutionally unique, functionality.

I know Jim Fox has done some thinking about this use case here, but my basic question is whether you're thinking that the SSO dispatcher servlet would most likely dispatch to a *single*, say, Pubcookie AuthN handler or if it would dispatch to *several* AuthN handlers, one for each Pubcookie login flavor. It's okay to say you don't know. Maybe either route could work. It would seem to depend somewhat on how much of the SAML AuthN request (namely, the AuthN type and re-authentication status) is available to each AuthN Handler. So maybe that could be fleshed out some more.

It will dispatch to a single handler, because that's how SAML2 works. A SP can send a list of authentication mechanisms that it will accept, but the IdP only chooses one. Now, that said, you can have authenticated via more than one mechanism at a time and they can be managed independently. What I mean by this is that via some decision you may authenticate to SP A with a userid/password and SP B with a digital cert. In this state, if you go to SP C and it requires userid/password or client cert, you'll just get in because those contexts are currently active for you.

Now, I won't go into this much here, I'll save the exhaustive description for the write up. Because you could have more than one active AuthN mechanism, you can also independently manage them. For example, your institution may say "PKI creds expire after 30 minutes of inactivity because that cred protects really important stuff. The password mechanism expires in 8 hours because it doesn't protect anything sensitive".


On Mon, 24 Oct 2005, Chad La Joie wrote:

Yeah, I was supposed to do a write up on this but got busy with other things and forgot. So, let me give you an overview of the web-based mechanism, because it's actually possible to explain that one and then I'll explain in broad terms what you'd do for non-web SSO endpoints. Note the ordering of some of these steps is not exactly how I'd code them, but I'm giving them in this order, here, to hopefully make the explanation clearer.

To start with, there with be an SSO dispatcher servlet that servers as the entrance SSO process for browser based systems. This class is mainly responsible for two things. First, it's responsible for figuring out what AuthN mechanism to use. In SAML2 service providers can send a list of AuthN types and say something like "Pick the greatest of these that you, IdP, can do". Once that is determined is can read the SAML AuthN request to see if the SP is requiring re-authentication (another new feature in SAML 2).

Now the dispatcher needs to decide whether to actually authenticate you. If the SP require re-auth then the decision is made. If not, the Dispatcher will check to see if you've already been authenticated with one of the AuthN mechanism that would fit the SP's request. For example, if you've authenticated with an end user cert and the request from the SP require userid/password or PKI, then you'd be good and wouldn't need to to re-auth. The, obviously, the last case is if you haven't authenticated with a mechanism that satisfies the SP's requirements (either because this is your initial log in, or you just haven't done the right thing yet) you'll be asked to authenticate.

Authentication will be performed by an AuthN Handler, which is nothing more than an HTTP servlet in the browser-based use case. The IdP will have a mapping from AuthN mechanisms, which are identified by URIs in SAML2, to AuthN Handlers. Once the Dispatcher figures out what AuthN method to use it just forwards the servlet request to the AuthN Handler, transferring control to the handler. If you've been thinking the Dispatcher was like the IdPResponder in the current Shib code, you're right, but this is the main difference. The Dispatcher actually transfers control of the request to the Handler not just invokes it.

At this point the Authn Handler will "do it's thing", and that thing will be different for each authn method. If it's a userid/passwd it'll probably present a form, if it's client cert auth the AuthN Handler will be client cert auth protected. Because the Handler has control of the request, it can go back and forth with the client however many times it needs to. These Handlers will extend a base Handler class that will "take care of things" after the authentication is done. This mostly means recording what type of authentication happened, when it happened, and which service it happened with. This info is needed for the single log out. Then the base Handler will construct the SAML response and send the user on their way. And that's browser based AuthN, in a nutshell.

Now, I know you're a smart guy, so you probably looked and said, we'll that will work for stuff other than browsers, and you're right. It's just HTTP. So, a non-browser client could use this mechanism just as easily as a browser, and I suspect that'll work for a modest number of clients. If, however, you want something different, maybe SOAP with some number of other standard (WS* for example) then you may want to do something different. At that point you'd define another endpoint that would be used instead of the Dispatcher and do authentication that way. All the code for figuring out the right authn method, recording session information, forming the SAML response and what not will not live in the Dispatcher and Handler servlets so you'll be able to use lots of that stuff, hopefully. This is obviously a more complicated route but if I can do the coding correctly, hopefully it won't be to hideous.

Tom Scavo wrote:

Currently, local authN/SSO sits in front of the IdP. At the I2MM WG
session in Sep, it was noted that the architecture of the IdP must
change to accommodate passive authN in SAML 2.0, which makes total
sense. No details were given, however. Could someone elaborate? If
the IdP subsumes the authN step, what plugin mechanism will it use to
support a variety of local authN services?


Chad La Joie 315Q St. Mary's Hall
OIS-Middleware 202.687.0124

Chad La Joie 315Q St. Mary's Hall
OIS-Middleware 202.687.0124

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