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shibboleth-dev - Re: Fwd: Shib IPv6 support?

Subject: Shibboleth Developers

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Re: Fwd: Shib IPv6 support?

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "RL 'Bob' Morgan" <>
  • To: Bill Cerveny <>
  • Cc: Nate Klingenstein <>, Steve Olshansky <>, Shib Design Team <>
  • Subject: Re: Fwd: Shib IPv6 support?
  • Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2003 11:29:15 -0700 (PDT)

> >Date: Thu, 03 Jul 2003 12:37:28 -0400
> >From: Bill Cerveny
> ><>
> >To:
> >
> >Subject: IPv6 support?
> >
> >Just out of curiosity, does Shibboleth support IPv6? If not, when is this
> >planned?
> >
> >Bill Cerveny

Hmm, first, the answer would have to be prepared distinctly for the Shib
origin and the Shib target. In either case, I would think that any
IP-version-specificity would be related to infrastructure on which the
Shib components run.

In the case of the target this is primarily Apache, plus the underlying
operating systems, which are currently Linux (RedHat, maybe others) and
Solaris (I forget which version[s]). You might know as much as any of us
about v6 support in these OSes. Regarding Apache, doing Google on "apache
ipv6" brings up some info, and based on a two-second-scan it looks to me
like Apache 1.3.x needs some mods to be IPv6-compatible, and Apache 2.x is
clean out of the box. The Shib target still requires 1.3.x. So doing 2.x
(as we plan to do) might help us with the IPv6 checkbox too.

Any of the underlying libraries might have IPv6 trouble, eg openssl. I
can't tell from some modest poking around whether openssl has IPv6
problems, but I don't see anything obvious.

On the origin the main question would be about the Java webapp container,
where tomcat is the most used but others are possible. I see one piece of
email indicating that someone has used tomcat in an IPv6 setting. Of
course there are lots of dependent libraries, Java itself, underlying
OSes, etc, on the origin too.

So as Scott said I think the only way to tell for sure is to test. Are
there IPv6-supporting hosts at Internet2 to test with, and
IPv6-knowledgable folks to help?

- RL "Bob"

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