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shibboleth-dev - RE: "Unfortunate" Thawte discovery

Subject: Shibboleth Developers

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RE: "Unfortunate" Thawte discovery

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "David L. Wasley" <>
  • To: "RL 'Bob' Morgan" <>, Scott Cantor <>
  • Cc: Shibboleth Design Team <>
  • Subject: RE: "Unfortunate" Thawte discovery
  • Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 11:28:26 -0700

Bob is absolutely right (as usual).

Not to prolong this thread but my earlier comment was to suggest that the designation "non-critical" would imply that the usage bits have little practical meaning. Nothing in the certificate is legally binding. In particular, the notion that "if you don't understand this field, just ignore it" would seem to make it advisory, not "critical" to the use of the cert.

I do understand the "moral correctness" argument -- if you -do- understand it then you should respect it. Then I have to wonder what the actual purpose of this silly restriction might be?

I assume that typically these advisory restrictions are put in the cert because the Issuer doesn't want to accept liability for use of the cert for certain things (or more correctly, only accepts liability for its use for certain things). So, if the Issuer asserts that the platform (Subject) has a DNS name of, what does it matter if that platform is acting as the initiator or responder in a dialog?

If a Relying Party uses the cert for something that is not allowed by a usage field marked non-critical, it isn't at all clear that the Issuer is off the hook. On the other hand, if the RP uses it when the usage field is marked critical, then I suppose there is -some- possible mitigation of liability.


At 10:01 AM -0700 on 7/26/02, RL 'Bob' Morgan wrote:

On Fri, 26 Jul 2002, Scott Cantor wrote:

I think that's the underspecified part.

No, the underspecified part is the intent of:

id-kp-serverAuth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-kp 1 }
-- TLS WWW server authentication
-- Key usage bits that may be consistent: digitalSignature,
-- keyEncipherment or keyAgreement

Is the "TLS WWW server authentication" prescriptive or only an example?
If it's prescriptive then compliant implementations would have to reject
use of such certs with SSL 3.0, with IMAP, etc, as I have suggested. If
it's not prescriptive, then what defines "serverAuth"? If my "server" is
using this cert to identify itself, is that OK, even if it happens to be
acting as in the client role as defined by some particular protocol? How
about in a peer-to-peer protocol that doesn't distinguish client from

The PKIX spec should leave the interpretation of purpose up to protocol
specs, and up to profiles of those protocols for particular real-world
purposes, like Shib. It's completely stupid for this spec to try to
specify this stuff.

- RL "Bob"

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