presidents-planning - Re: PPSP Planning Meeting and Update
Subject: PPSP planning list
List archive
- From: "McGettigan, James" <>
- To: Matt Hall <>
- Cc: "" <>
- Subject: Re: PPSP Planning Meeting and Update
- Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2016 15:11:31 -0400
- Ironport-phdr: 9a23:A07tLRC92uPCMQW8W2uIUyQJP3N1i/DPJgcQr6AfoPdwSP75psbcNUDSrc9gkEXOFd2Crakb26yL6Ou5BCQp2tWojjMrSNR0TRgLiMEbzUQLIfWuLgnFFsPsdDEwB89YVVVorDmROElRH9viNRWJ+iXhpRZbIBj0NBJ0K+LpAcaSyp3vj6HhxofXKzlsqHL9JOkqbUb+kQKEk8AKncNCI6I1gk/Jq39Mfu9+xGV0KEiVkgqmoMq84cgw3T5Xvqdr0sVvXLnmfqsxS/gQLj0jPnt/rJnpvBzOVjyK7XQRTnkXnRNOKw7d91f1WYmn4XiyjfZ0xCTPZZ6+drszQzn3qv4xEBI=
Information Technology Division,
Northeast Regional Office,
National Park Service
200 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., 19106
D) 610-644-3998
C) 267-767-3228

Hi Everyone,
It looks like next week is not a great time for the vast majority of the planning group so I am going to postpone the meeting until the following Wednesday (10/19 from 2-3pm ET). This will give our marketing team a little bit more time to complete program flyers so that we have some more concrete documents to share with the group.
At this point, we have most of the program descriptions collected and are really ready to hit the ground running - big thanks to all of our great content provider sites for getting that info over to me!
This next meeting will focus on our overall marketing strategy and approach.
Thanks everyone - have a great weekend!
From: <> on behalf of Matt Hall <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 5, 2016 3:11 PM
Subject: Draft PPSP Program Theme DescriptionHi Everyone,
Please see below for the draft description of the PPSP 2017 program theme. Internet2's marketing team has already begun drafting the flyers and various marketing materials for the program (Thanks, Leslie!) so please let me know if you have any feedback/comments/edits on the below description by Monday, 10/10. Thank you!
Series Title: Culture, Society, and Presidential Decision-Making
The office of the President of the United States comes with immense responsibility and the power to shape the course of history. Looking back on past administrations, it may not always be immediately clear why a President acted in a certain way or what outside forces influenced their decision-making. In order to fully understand these factors, it is important to examine the cultural and societal trends of each era. Through the use of primary source documents and live interactive video discussions with National Park Service rangers and presidential historians from the National Archives and other presidential historic sites, our 2017 Presidential Primary Sources Program (PPSP) series will take students on a journey through our nation’s history and allow them to view a President’s key decisions through the life and times of their era.
- Draft PPSP Program Theme Description, Matt Hall, 10/05/2016
- PPSP Planning Meeting and Update, Matt Hall, 10/07/2016
- Re: PPSP Planning Meeting and Update, McGettigan, James, 10/07/2016
- PPSP Planning Meeting and Update, Matt Hall, 10/07/2016
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