presidents-planning - Re: New Draft Tweets for #PPSP2012
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- From: "Carol Willis" <>
- To: "<>" <>, "Jennifer Oxenford" <>
- Subject: Re: New Draft Tweets for #PPSP2012
- Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 13:17:51 -0500
Jennifer, than you for putting this together!
>>> Jennifer Oxenford
>>> <>
>>> 10/25/2012 11:49 AM >>>
Hi Folks,
Per our discussion yesterday here are some sample tweets and a Facebook post
that you can use to promote the project with the new #PPSP2012 hashtag.
Please encourage your Social Media/Marketing folks to tweet these out using
your organization's twitter handle and post on Facebook. Feel free to contact
me with any questions or concerns.
Sample Tweet #1
Teachers - Heard about the new Presidential Primary Sources Project for
grades 6-9? Learn more & sign up
Sample Tweet #2
Connect your students in grades 6-12 with Presidential Libraries and National
Parks via the #PPSP2012! Sign up today!
Sample Facebook Post
Teachers, have you heard about the new Presidential Primary Sources Project
connecting K20 schools with Presidential Libraries and National Parks for
grades 6-9? Now you can sign up for all the VCs or just one. All content
provider sessions will also be recorded for later viewing. Get involved in
Global Democracy Presidents and Policy -- Sign up today! #PPSP2012
Jennifer Oxenford
Manager, Member Relations & Communications
Twitter - @magpik20
484-604-0831 (google voice)
215-898-0341 (office)
215-74MAGPI (215-746-2474)
- New Draft Tweets for #PPSP2012, Jennifer Oxenford, 10/25/2012
- Re: New Draft Tweets for #PPSP2012, Carol Willis, 10/25/2012
- Re: New Draft Tweets for #PPSP2012, Todd Sedmak, 10/26/2012
- Re: New Draft Tweets for #PPSP2012, Carol Willis, 10/26/2012
- Re: New Draft Tweets for #PPSP2012, Todd Sedmak, 10/26/2012
- Re: New Draft Tweets for #PPSP2012, Carol Willis, 10/25/2012
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