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perfsonar-user - Re: [perfsonar-user] Is there a way to configure regular test through CLI

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Re: [perfsonar-user] Is there a way to configure regular test through CLI

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Andrew Lake <>
  • To:,
  • Subject: Re: [perfsonar-user] Is there a way to configure regular test through CLI
  • Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2016 05:33:25 -0700


There is not currently an API to do what you want. You’d have to write a custom script to modify the regulartesting.conf file and then restart perfsonar-regulartesting. 

The good news is though that we will have a REST API and CLI interface that sounds like it will do exactly what you want in the next major release due this fall  and betas should be sometime later this summer. Keep your eyes open for those as we’d love to have this kind of testing performed once they are made available.


On June 8, 2016 at 10:29:22 PM, ( wrote:

Hi All:

I installed a perfSONAR toolkit at my VM and through web-interface I can
schedule/configure regular
test from my localhost to other perfSONAR hosts. At the same time, I can use
REST api or python
client library in my VM to retrieve/query raw data for the tests I configured.

Now, I am wondering if there is a way in the reverse, i.e. to configure the
same regular test from CLI
(maybe plus getting the test shown in web-interface)? In this way, I can write
script to automatically
schedule test and process the raw data as the way I want, all through CLI.

I tried running measurement tools directly (like bwctl or owamp) in CLI, but
those tests seem
very short duration, and I do not know where to retrieve the raw data if there

Thanks in advance.


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