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perfsonar-user - [perfsonar-user] Novice questions about perfSONAR

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[perfsonar-user] Novice questions about perfSONAR

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Hyojoon Kim <>
  • To: "" <>
  • Subject: [perfsonar-user] Novice questions about perfSONAR
  • Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2015 21:02:42 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US


I just started to look at perfSONAR, I have several noob questions. I hope they are not too stupid questions :-P

The questions relate to using measurement archive (MA), MaDDash, and central mesh configuration setup. 

1. Can an MA host server be a MaDDash server and a central mesh configuration server, altogether at the same time? Maybe also a host with perfSONAR Toolkit installed? If possible, is this a good choice of design? I am asking because we have one host that we want to use as a measurement point, configuration server, visualization server, and as a place to store measurement data because it has lots of storage space. 

2. Does MaDDash make sense even if all the data are stored in your central server?  

3. Related to MA setup and mesh configuration, the ESnet example seems to have  MA configuration lines here: 

It only defines type, read_url, and write_url. However, in this document, it says the measurement hosts (MHs) have to setup database, username, password, etc as well as the summary blocks at "/opt/perfsonar_ps/regular_testing/etc/regular_testing.conf".

Are these two different configuration files? What is the point of putting read_url and write_url in the meshconfig when each MHs are going to put information about the URL address anyway in its own regular_testing.conf? 


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