Hi Sowmya,
I did some tests here and did some analyses. I put the register script to run every hour, and every 3 hours it losses the register and make a new registry. I need to know how to do the keep alive of the registry in my perl code. This is probably the reason that I don’t find my registry globally. Do you know how to do it?
Hope you can help me. Thanks in advance,

Murilo Vetter
PoP-SC - Ponto de Presença da RNP em Santa Catarina
REMEP-FLN - Rede Metropolitana de Educação e Pesquisa da Região de Florianópolis
RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa
UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
SETIC - Superintendência de Governança Eletrônica e Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação
Fundações de Apoio FEESC e FEPESE
INOC: 11242*100
De: Murilo Vetter [mailto:]
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2013 08:56
Para: 'Sowmya Balasubramanian'
Cc: 'Comunicação com os desenvolvedores do projeto MONIPE'; 'SE-Cipó Desenvolvimento'; ''; ''
Assunto: RES: RES: RES: RES: RES: RES: RES: [Monipe-des] Fwd: lookup service docs
Hi Sowmya,
I am still testing the registration in LS. And how I saw, I can do the registration in the first time, but I could not make the keepalive process right and I cause to expire the registry. Is it ready to do the keepalive process on the perl code?
It is important to us to make it work because we want to make our tools appear on toolkit.

Murilo Vetter
PoP-SC - Ponto de Presença da RNP em Santa Catarina
REMEP-FLN - Rede Metropolitana de Educação e Pesquisa da Região de Florianópolis
RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa
UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
SETIC - Superintendência de Governança Eletrônica e Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação
Fundações de Apoio FEESC e FEPESE
INOC: 11242*100
De: Murilo Vetter []
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2013 17:42
Para: 'Sowmya Balasubramanian'
Cc: 'Comunicação com os desenvolvedores do projeto MONIPE'; 'SE-Cipó Desenvolvimento'; ''; ''
Assunto: RES: RES: RES: RES: RES: RES: RES: [Monipe-des] Fwd: lookup service docs
Hi Sowmya,
How can I do the renew of my register entry in LS? Using the perl code, how can I retrieve the record-uri using the lease time?

Murilo Vetter
PoP-SC - Ponto de Presença da RNP em Santa Catarina
REMEP-FLN - Rede Metropolitana de Educação e Pesquisa da Região de Florianópolis
RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa
UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
SETIC - Superintendência de Governança Eletrônica e Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação
Fundações de Apoio FEESC e FEPESE
INOC: 11242*100
De: Sowmya Balasubramanian []
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2013 16:53
Para: Murilo Vetter
Cc: 'Comunicação com os desenvolvedores do projeto MONIPE'; 'SE-Cipó Desenvolvimento'; ;
Assunto: Re: RES: RES: RES: RES: RES: RES: [Monipe-des] Fwd: lookup service docs
Hi Murilo,
You may have to wait for a few hours before it appears in the services page. It is because the GUI uses cache files to generate the content and the cache files are updated only once every 6 hours or so.
And, for you other questions, the answers are inline.
On 8/7/13 10:21 AM, Murilo Vetter wrote:
Hi Sowmya,
I did the registration in the following host: ps4.es.net
It has been done more or less 3 hours ago. My expectation was to have my service publish globally, though I can’t get it on a toolkit I have installed here. Am I doing something wrong? When I check the service via webservice it appears in the list (Home Lookservice).

Murilo Vetter
PoP-SC - Ponto de Presença da RNP em Santa Catarina
REMEP-FLN - Rede Metropolitana de Educação e Pesquisa da Região de Florianópolis
RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa
UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
SETIC - Superintendência de Governança Eletrônica e Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação
Fundações de Apoio FEESC e FEPESE
INOC: 11242*100
De: Murilo Vetter []
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2013 09:11
Para: 'Sowmya Balasubramanian'
Cc: 'Comunicação com os desenvolvedores do projeto MONIPE'; 'SE-Cipó Desenvolvimento'; ''; ''
Assunto: RES: RES: RES: RES: RES: RES: [Monipe-des] Fwd: lookup service docs
Hi Sowmya,
I am doing some tests and I could registered a service into lookupservice. I put a crontab for every hour to keep the register active. Doubts that I have:
- To keep alive the register in LS is just necessary to maintain a crontab doing register?
You can retrieve the record-uri when you register the first time and you can renew it based on the lease time.
- If I have to change some information from the register data, I need to change the information and send the register again?
If you have to change the data, then you need to delete the old entry and register a new record with the updated entry.
- When I receive one return equal to 0 (Zero) it means it is globally registered?
If you received a 0, it means the registration was successful.
- The service registered in LS should appear in Toolkit?
It will take a few hours to update cache files. After the cache files get updated, it will appear in the Toolkit GUI.
- How should I fill the parameters so it could appear with more than one parameter, as domains/administrators?
You can use a list of strings instead of a single string value
- What is the identifier for the register? Service Name/Service Locator/Service host? What is unique?
A record-uri gets generated. Only that is unique. And, to check for duplicate entries, when a record tries to register, all the fields in the register request is used to query the database. If a matching entry is found, then the new request is treated a s duplicate and an error is sent.
- What kind of information should I put in service type (ping/bwctl/owamp/traceroute)?
service type refers to bwctl, ping, owamp or any other network service you may have.
- In order to register one service, should I register one host before?
Not really. But, if you want to include service-host information in your service record, then you need to register the host and then include that information in your service record.
- What the parameter Service Version stands for?
Some services like owamp, bwctl have versions of software. The service version denotes that.
Appreciate your collaboration.

Murilo Vetter
PoP-SC - Ponto de Presença da RNP em Santa Catarina
REMEP-FLN - Rede Metropolitana de Educação e Pesquisa da Região de Florianópolis
RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa
UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
SETIC - Superintendência de Governança Eletrônica e Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação
Fundações de Apoio FEESC e FEPESE
INOC: 11242*100
De: Sowmya Balasubramanian []
Enviada em: terça-feira, 6 de agosto de 2013 19:01
Para: Murilo Vetter
Cc: 'Comunicação com os desenvolvedores do projeto MONIPE'; 'SE-Cipó Desenvolvimento'; ;
Assunto: Re: RES: RES: RES: RES: RES: [Monipe-des] Fwd: lookup service docs
Hi Murilo,
The following should work.
use SimpleLookupService::Client::SimpleLS;
use perfSONAR_PS::Client::LS::PSRecords::PSService;
use SimpleLookupService::Client::Registration;
my $hostname = "ps4.es.net";
my $port = 9095;
my $server = SimpleLookupService::Client::SimpleLS->new();
$server->init( { host => $hostname, port => $port } );
//add a check to see if server status is "alive" and the do the registration.
my $service = new perfSONAR_PS::Client::LS::PSRecords::PSService();
serviceLocator => "",
serviceType => "ping",
serviceName => "pingrnp",
serviceVersion => "1",
serviceHost => "",
domains => "PoP-SC/RNP",
administrators => "Murilo Vetter",
siteName => "RNP-Test",
city => "Florianopolis",
region => "SC",
country => "BR",
zipCode => "88030-310",
latitude => "-27",
longitude => "-38",
my $ls_client = new SimpleLookupService::Client::Registration->new();
$ls_client->init({server => $server, record => $service});
my ($resCode, $res) = $ls_client->register();
If you go to http://ps4.es.net:9095, you should be able to see your service.
On 8/6/13 2:03 PM, Murilo Vetter wrote:
Hi Sowmia,
I got the perfsonar_ps source file and start to get some progress. I did the following code:
use SimpleLookupService::Client::SimpleLS;
use perfSONAR_PS::Client::LS::PSRecords::PSService;
use SimpleLookupService::Client::Registration;
$ls_client = SimpleLookupService::Client::SimpleLS->new();
my $uri = URI->new("http://ps4.es.net:9095/lookup/records");
my $ls_port = 9095;
if(!$ls_port && $uri->scheme() eq 'https'){
$ls_port = 443;
$ls_port = 80;
my $service = new perfSONAR_PS::Client::LS::PSRecords::PSService();
# serviceLocator => $self->service_locator(),
# serviceType => $self->service_type(),
# serviceName => $self->service_name(),
# serviceVersion => $self->service_version(),
# serviceHost => $self->service_host(),
# domains => $self->domain(),
# administrators => $self->administrator(),
# siteName => $self->site_name(),
# city => $self->city(),
# region => $self->region(),
# country => $self->country(),
# zipCode => $self->zip_code(),
# latitude => $self->latitude(),
# longitude => $self->longitude(),
serviceLocator => "",
serviceType => "ping",
serviceName => "pingrnp",
serviceVersion => 1,
serviceHost => "",
domains => "PoP-SC/RNP",
administrators => "Murilo Vetter",
siteName => "RNP-Test",
city => "Florianopolis",
region => "SC",
country => "BR",
zipCode => "88030-310",
latitude => "-27",
longitude => "-38",
#$service->setServiceEventType($self->event_type()) if($self->event_type());
#$service->setCommunities($self->communities()) if($self->communities());
my $ls_client = new SimpleLookupService::Client::Registration();
$ls_client->init({server => $self->{LS_CLIENT}, record => $reg});
my ($resCode, $res) = $ls_client->register();
When I execute it, I got the following error:
perl -I /home/murilo/lookup_register/lib register.pl
Can't call method "isa" on an undefined value at /home/murilo/lookup_register/lib/SimpleLookupService/Client/Registration.pm line 51.
Do you have some clue what could be happening?
Is it ok for registering?
Thanks in advance.
Murilo Vetter

Murilo Vetter
PoP-SC - Ponto de Presença da RNP em Santa Catarina
REMEP-FLN - Rede Metropolitana de Educação e Pesquisa da Região de Florianópolis
RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa
UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
SETIC - Superintendência de Governança Eletrônica e Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação
Fundações de Apoio FEESC e FEPESE
INOC: 11242*100
De: Sowmya Balasubramanian []
Enviada em: terça-feira, 6 de agosto de 2013 16:05
Para: Murilo Vetter
Cc: 'Comunicação com os desenvolvedores do projeto MONIPE'; 'SE-Cipó Desenvolvimento'; ;
Assunto: Re: RES: RES: RES: RES: [Monipe-des] Fwd: lookup service docs
Hi Sowmya,
I was starting to code a simple client. I saw that it has some code of perfsonar_ps. Where can I get the source of perfsonar_ps?

Murilo Vetter
PoP-SC - Ponto de Presença da RNP em Santa Catarina
REMEP-FLN - Rede Metropolitana de Educação e Pesquisa da Região de Florianópolis
RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa
UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
SETIC - Superintendência de Governança Eletrônica e Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação
Fundações de Apoio FEESC e FEPESE
INOC: 11242*100
De: Sowmya Balasubramanian []
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 5 de agosto de 2013 18:20
Para: Murilo Vetter
Cc: 'Comunicação com os desenvolvedores do projeto MONIPE'; 'SE-Cipó Desenvolvimento'; ;
Assunto: Re: RES: RES: RES: [Monipe-des] Fwd: lookup service docs
The SimpleLS that I mentioned in the code sample is a client and not the lookup service server. To install a lookup-service server, you need to follow the instructions mentioned here: http://code.google.com/p/perfsonar-ps/wiki/NewLSInstallation,
If you are running your own LS and you want the services registered in it to appear globally, then that needs to be manually added to a static hints file that contains the list of LSes. The criteria to add something to that list is pretty simple: the server should be a production server, which means it needs to be monitored periodically.
For a quick test, you can try registering to one of the servers in this list: http://ps1.es.net:8096/lookup/activehosts.json. They are part of the global lookup service cloud. So, any service that registers to one of them will automatically appear in the global list (after few hours).
On 8/5/13 1:53 PM, Murilo Vetter wrote:
Hi Sowmya,
How I understood, I need to instantiate a SimpleLS and register my service into it. One doubt I have, how it would be globally register the service? How can I test this scenario?
I appreciate your help.

Murilo Vetter
PoP-SC - Ponto de Presença da RNP em Santa Catarina
REMEP-FLN - Rede Metropolitana de Educação e Pesquisa da Região de Florianópolis
RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa
UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
SETIC - Superintendência de Governança Eletrônica e Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação
Fundações de Apoio FEESC e FEPESE
INOC: 11242*100
De: Sowmya Balasubramanian []
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 5 de agosto de 2013 17:44
Para: Murilo Vetter
Cc: 'Comunicação com os desenvolvedores do projeto MONIPE'; 'SE-Cipó Desenvolvimento'; ;
Assunto: Re: RES: RES: [Monipe-des] Fwd: lookup service docs
Hi Murilo,
You can find the install and config instructions for LSRegistrationDaemon here: http://psps.perfsonar.net/lsregistration/
If you would like to use the perl client then, you will need to do the following:
1) Create a client by instantiating SimpleLS
$ls_client = SimpleLookupService::Client::SimpleLS->new();
my $uri = URI->new("http://somehost:port.some.domain");
my $ls_port = 8090;
if(!$ls_port && $uri->scheme() eq 'https'){
$ls_port = 443;
$ls_port = 80;
2) Create a PSService Record
my $service = new perfSONAR_PS::Client::LS::PSRecords::PSService();
serviceLocator => $self->service_locator(),
serviceType => $self->service_type(),
serviceName => $self->service_name(),
serviceVersion => $self->service_version(),
serviceHost => $self->service_host(),
domains => $self->domain(),
administrators => $self->administrator(),
siteName => $self->site_name(),
city => $self->city(),
region => $self->region(),
country => $self->country(),
zipCode => $self->zip_code(),
latitude => $self->latitude(),
longitude => $self->longitude(),
$service->setServiceEventType($self->event_type()) if($self->event_type());
$service->setCommunities($self->communities()) if($self->communities());
Note: In the above code sample, the service values are read from a config file and stored in memory
3) Use RegistrationClient to register the PSService to the SimpleLS.
my $ls_client = new SimpleLookupService::Client::Registration();
$ls_client->init({server => $self->{LS_CLIENT}, record => $reg});
my ($resCode, $res) = $ls_client->register();
Once the registration is successful, your client will have to renew the record every 2 hours or so (whatever is the lease time offered). Otherwise, when the registration expires, the service record will be removed from the lookup service.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
On 8/5/13 12:44 PM, Murilo Vetter wrote:
Hi Sowmya,
I would like to use the Daemon or the perl client, either one.
Thanks in advance.
Murilo Vetter

Murilo Vetter
PoP-SC - Ponto de Presença da RNP em Santa Catarina
REMEP-FLN - Rede Metropolitana de Educação e Pesquisa da Região de Florianópolis
RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa
UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
SETIC - Superintendência de Governança Eletrônica e Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação
Fundações de Apoio FEESC e FEPESE
INOC: 11242*100
De: Sowmya Balasubramanian []
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 5 de agosto de 2013 15:54
Para: Murilo Vetter
Cc: 'Comunicação com os desenvolvedores do projeto MONIPE'; 'SE-Cipó Desenvolvimento'; ;
Assunto: Re: RES: [Monipe-des] Fwd: lookup service docs
Here in Brazil we would like to registered some of our tools like ping, owamp and bwctl in internet2 LS service so it may appear in the list of perfSONAR Toolkit. I wonder if someone could help in doing this. What service should we installed so we can test the registration? How could we reproduce it?
Hope someone may help us.
Murilo Vetter

Murilo Vetter
PoP-SC - Ponto de Presença da RNP em Santa Catarina
REMEP-FLN - Rede Metropolitana de Educação e Pesquisa da Região de Florianópolis
RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa
UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
SETIC - Superintendência de Governança Eletrônica e Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação
Fundações de Apoio FEESC e FEPESE
INOC: 11242*100
De: Murilo Vetter []
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 2 de agosto de 2013 18:30
Para: 'Comunicação com os desenvolvedores do projeto MONIPE'; 'SE-Cipó Desenvolvimento'; ''; ''
Assunto: RES: [Monipe-des] Fwd: lookup service docs
Hi Brian,
Alex (RNP) sent me some information about the new lookup service. We are interested to registered our new perfSONAR CLMPs service with the new service since it is the new service that is coming with the new perfsonar toolkit. I would like to know if you already have some client that make the registration.
I would like to know if I installed the service in RNP like is documented in http://code.google.com/p/perfsonar-ps/wiki/NewLSInstallation, it will appear globally. In the past I did some tests and I had some trouble with the old version of perfsonar lookup service.
What components should I install to accomplished this issue?
Could you help me to test it in RNP?
Thanks in advance,

Murilo Vetter
PoP-SC - Ponto de Presença da RNP em Santa Catarina
REMEP-FLN - Rede Metropolitana de Educação e Pesquisa da Região de Florianópolis
RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa
UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
SETIC - Superintendência de Governança Eletrônica e Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação
Fundações de Apoio FEESC e FEPESE
INOC: 11242*100
De: [] Em nome de Alex Moura
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 18 de julho de 2013 13:46
Para: MonIPE Desenvolvimento; SE-Cipó Desenvolvimento
Assunto: [Monipe-des] Fwd: lookup service docs
Rezende (Cipó) e Murilo (MonIPÊ),
Segue abaixo a referência sobre o LS que Brian acaba de me passar sobre o LS depois que solicitei informações de como podemos integrar nossos desenvolvimentos usando mesmo serviço.
Este material é suficiente para os desenvolvimentos?
Se necessário, podemos buscar outras formas de interação - reuniões via web etc. - com a equipe de desenvolvedores para buscarmos dirimir as dúvidas e dificuldades de desenvolvimento nos sistemas do MonIPE e Cipó, que tenham relação com os serviços usados nos EUA.