Subject: perfsonar development work
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- From: Gina Kramer <>
- To: "" <>
- Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: New packaging system]
- Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 10:57:38 +0100
Anyone willing and able to help, please?
Gijs Molenaar wrote:
Sorry, but I don't have the time anymore now to answer these questions.
There should be someone else in the project who has this knowledge and
time, please post these questions to the mailinglist.
Gina Kramer schreef:
Hi Gijs,
I've had a look at the Packaging page you've created but not being a
developer it's unfortunately mostly Greek to me.
So what does a user have to do to install 3.1 or upgrade to 3.1?
Are the same platforms still supported? (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.x
or 5.x, Fedora 8, CentOS 5.1, Debian 4.0)
Are the following tables still accurate?
Installing pre-requisite software using packages
The perfSONAR MDM services require some software to be present on
their host machine, before they can be installed:
Installing pre-requisite software using tar files
The perfSONAR MDM services require some software to be present on
their host machine, before they can be installed:
What do you mean by "perfSONAR repositories" on
Are these installer files that the user needs to download?
What's the deal with the perfSONAR installation CD? Can 3.1 only be
installed from CD? The link points to
so ISO files - what should the user do with those?
Sorry, these are probably dumb questions but I need to know :-)
Cheers, Gina
Nicolas Simar wrote:
Hi Gina,
for the installation guide, the procedure has changed. See below the
information sent by Gijs. The documentation need updating.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: New packaging system
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 10:45:57 +0200
From: Gijs Molenaar
To: Nicolas Simar
CC: Roman Lapacz , Stephan Kraft
Nicolas Simar wrote:
Hi Gijs,
quick question about the new packaging system, does it change the way
the installation is done?
Yes, completely.
Do we need to update the installation
documentation we are distributing to the users (installation steps or
configuration steps modified)?
Everything is documented on these wiki pages:
* Java Installation, I created a new java installation procedure
* People need to add the repository to their system
* Tomcat/exist installation is not necessary, this is done automatically
trough package dependencies.
* package installation is as simple as running apt-get install
ps-mdm-<package> or yum install ps-mdm-<package>
* package configuration is package dependend
For example; take a look at the ps-mdm-flowsa-ma installation procedure:
Note that the STABLE and 3.1 package repository still needs to be build,
see packaging pages for info.
- Re: [Fwd: Re: New packaging system], Gina Kramer, 08/26/2008
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