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perfsonar-dev - Re: [pS-dev] what services should register into LS [was:Re: BWCTL,Hades and Lookup service]

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Re: [pS-dev] what services should register into LS [was:Re: BWCTL,Hades and Lookup service]

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Guilherme Fernandes <>
  • To:
  • Cc: Verena Venus <>, Nina Jeliazkova <>, "Jeff W. Boote" <>, Nicolas Simar <>, WiN-Labor <>, Prodromos Gerakios <>, "" <>
  • Subject: Re: [pS-dev] what services should register into LS [was:Re: BWCTL,Hades and Lookup service]
  • Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 15:13:10 +0200
  • Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws;; s=gamma; h=message-id:date:from:user-agent:mime-version:to:cc:subject:references:in-reply-to:content-type:content-transfer-encoding; b=Y/huRZOMPagrsHc2ggr7YkfDUfwqp9QYiI2XANhmBLDqgTa9ySXsUB/teXzq9awVFb7BTEVdsUArszrQ3PPHEq9TRmDf8I+uhyrFN5FuMtitbVN2n/ZCBI2sWMGdCBGMcHB2hsf9XpxJ2B4bsZpbCHIQ8cwO7wWaciU8hINT4Hs=

Guilherme Fernandes wrote:
Jason Zurawski wrote:

Hi Jason,
We are discussing what information services should register into LS,
besides service URL. Recently, Jason advised to recognize service
type by eventtypes, rather than by arbitrary strings like one found
in "servicetype" parameter.

This seems to work fine with RRD MA services, but not all other
services submit information about eventtypes when registering to LS.
Is there a guidance what schema should be supported in this case?
Could you be more specific? Which services are not registering
eventTypes? This disrupts the dLS (and gLS) summarization model as
So far I am aware of flowsa MA, developed at Surfnet , and BWCTL and
Hades by Win-Labor. Verena is going to add support for eventtypes,
but was asking of the syntax to be supported. Could you please advise
I am not sure I understand the request, services should be registering
with the LS in a manner similar to the RRD MA etc. where they register a
Service metadata description, and the metadata elements they are
personally responsible for. These metadata elements *should* include
eventType elements for the particular data they pertain to. The
examples that can be examined are related to the RRD MA (this is the
only one I personally know of, perhaps there are more).

Good to know. In the past, I undertook several attempts, to implement something based on an example of another service. However, this did not work in a lot of cases, as examples tend to be outdated sooner or later.

It would be a good idea, if anyone expects services to implement based on an example, to state this clearly which example, and if this is going to be the one which is specified (hopefully) sooner or later.

I am attaching two examples from perfSONAR-PS services (SNMP MA and perfSONAR-BUOY). These metadata elements are taken directly from the store.xml files for each service respectively (making LS registration trivial). If your service is not using eventTypes currently, I would suggest placing them in your storage, or injecting them into the LSRegistration message.

I think we should concentrate effort to fix this on the service
registration side, not by adding heuristics on the client side (which
would then need to be copied to every other client).
Yes, sure - we've already introduced some perfsonarUI code that relies
on eventtypes registered in LS and are trying to figure out how it
will work with services other than RRD MA.
I can't really stress this enough: discovery will not work unless
services are registering in the same manner.

But that's exactly the point! All we want to know, is HOW this should look like. We cannot implement it in the same manner, if we do not know this.

Perhaps I am missing something, but isn't there documents provided in the XML LS that describe what is expected? The general idea is to include a service description, and the metadata they manage. It would be impossible to enumerate what every single service must provide, but the basic idea is to include measurement metadata containing at a minimum a subject with a topological element as well as eventType(s). This is what the various perfSONAR-PS services provide, and the RRD-MA does as well.

If a service does not make available to the LS:

a) Address information (ipv4 or perhaps ipv6)
d) Domain information (fully qual hostname will do)
c) any and all possible eventTypes

Discovery will be meaningless. If service authors have questions or
concerns about this, lets start talking about it very soon, and if you
haven't done so *please* read the LS API document, this should explain

Good to know this one also. It is not obvious to me (and considering that quite a lot of other services have not implemented this, it seems to be not obvious to others, too) that the API for dLS is relevant for implementing the API to LS! Sorry, but how do you expect me and others to find exactly this document if noone points out that it is the one you need to implement when properly registering to LS?

By the way, I had a look into it. Unfortunately it does not point to a schema definition for the elements to be registered with a normal LS. So, still, I do not know, how I should do this exactly.

It's not that I need a discussion what elements should be registered. I just need to know which elements you need, and in what format I should register them, that's all.

I think you are confusing two issues here: what is necessary for services to register to LS instances and what LS instances need to do to distribute this information via the gLS mechanism. The gLS document I pasted above does not deal with the former and I do believe descriptions exist for this task exist already and Maciej should be able to point people to the exact locations.

The requirements for services registering to the LS have not changed since the original LS was released some time ago. We have always asked that each service provide a service information description as well as metadata that they manage. In the provided metadata it is assumed that eventType(s) as well as the necessary domain and address information is provided (each time I helped design new metadata descriptions for the various services we ensured that this information was available).
This is very clear in the case of MAs, because they handle specific metadata. I don't see it as clear in the case of MPs which, for instance, permit on-demand measurements to anywhere (and, in some cases, from anywhere). What I think that Verena is trying to say is that we don't have a specific metadata definition of what the service does, like you have in your store.xml.

We have eventTypes which are accepted by the service and the schema that defines what is permitted and needed in the requests that use them. We wouldn't register something as complete as you have in the request for perfSONAR-BUOY, because we don't have specific information, i.e. parameters or endpoints. Using your example, we could adapt it to be generic, which would actually be registering the RNC for the requests accepted, and I know this is not what is expected, or we could make it as simples as, i.e. for CL-MP:

<nmwg:data id="data-1" metadataIdRef="serviceLookupInfo">
<nmwg:metadata xmlns:nmwg=""; id="metadata-1">

This would be just registering all eventTypes accepted by the service, and I believe it might satisfy the requirements of the dLS. But we get to another point, as I was mentioned before, it might also be interesting to have not only the functionalities (eventTypes) available, but also extra information about them (which actually means metadata information, and could just be defined using parameters).

Sorry, just realized I was talking specifically about the CL-MP. CL-MP uses eventTypes also as functionalities, but this isn't the case for any of the other services I know. The other services use the message types. In which case we can separate what I said in two parts, the one above this, which related to registering which eventTypes the service actually deals with and can be done as proposed, and the one below which is more about registering that kind of information to the LS or not.

Maybe the information about functionalities hasn't been deemed necessary, I know that for AA the client is supposed to make the request and then see if it needs authentication or not. For CL-MP, there are other things to be considered, i.e. scheduling restrictions, but they might also just be done in a per request basis instead of registering it to the LS. So if this is the case, we can forget about the paragraph below.

But these are not related directly to the eventType as action, but to the eventType as functionality. In the sense that you have parameters for defining a ping measurement (i.e. count, size), which is defined by the ping namespace. Now we would also need parameters for defining information about actually using the funcionatility (doing a ping), i.e. if it needs authentication or not. We could define a new namespace for this kind of information, and I believe this is what Verena was actually asking for (not exactly for this purpose).

I don't think there has been any definition of this before, I think it has always been just "anyText". But maybe I'm wrong, it would be good if Maciej jumped into the discussion.


The gLS requirements (and the API specification in the above document) rely on the same sane registration practices, and should *not* require additional service modifications to function properly (we designed it this way on purpose to minimize the impact on service designers in the middle of release cycles). If a service is not registering properly, this will damage discovery and the goal of distributing information.

To summarize: I have absolutly no concerns with the content of a registration message. All I want to know is the proper definition of this.

I'm not sure, where the RRDMA got the definition for the registration from, but I would be more than happy is someone could point me to this information.

Considering existing schemata for LSRegistration, I found this one:

What is more or less exactly, what our service is registering at the moment.
I hope you understand now my problems.

As I stated before, I am not an expert on what documents went into the perfSONAR 3.x release series, but I am positive that something exists. If someone (Maciej/Szymon/Nicolas/Loukik) knows where these are, could they please let Verena and the others know?



<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<nmwg:message type="LSRegisterRequest"
xmlns:iperf= "";>

<nmwg:metadata id="serviceLookupInfo">
<perfsonar:subject id="commonParameters" xmlns:perfsonar="";>
<psservice:service id="serviceParameters" xmlns:psservice="";>
<psservice:serviceName>Internet2 perfSONAR-BUOY MA</psservice:serviceName>
<psservice:serviceDescription>Washington DC perfSONAR-BUOY MA</psservice:serviceDescription>
<nmwg:data id="data-1" metadataIdRef="serviceLookupInfo">
<nmwg:metadata xmlns:nmwg=""; id="metadata-1">
<iperf:subject xmlns:iperf=""; id="subject-1">
<nmwgt:endPointPair xmlns:nmwgt="";>
<nmwgt:src type="ipv4" value="" port="5434" />
<nmwgt:dst type="ipv4" value="" port="5434" />
<nmwg:parameters id="parameters-1">
<nmwg:parameter name="windowSize">1m</nmwg:parameter>
<nmwg:parameter name="timeDuration">30</nmwg:parameter>
<nmwg:parameter name="interval">2</nmwg:parameter>
<nmwg:parameter name="protocol">TCP</nmwg:parameter>
<nmwg:data id="data-3" metadataIdRef="serviceLookupInfo">
<nmwg:metadata xmlns:nmwg=""; id="metadata-3">
<iperf:subject xmlns:iperf=""; id="subject-3">
<nmwgt:endPointPair xmlns:nmwgt="";>
<nmwgt:src type="ipv4" value="" port="5434" />
<nmwgt:dst type="ipv4" value="" port="5434" />
<nmwg:parameters id="parameters-3">
<nmwg:parameter name="windowSize">1m</nmwg:parameter>
<nmwg:parameter name="timeDuration">30</nmwg:parameter>
<nmwg:parameter name="interval">2</nmwg:parameter>
<nmwg:parameter name="protocol">TCP</nmwg:parameter>
</nmwg:metadata> </nmwg:data> </nmwg:message>

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<nmwg:message type="LSRegisterRequest"

<nmwg:metadata id="serviceLookupInfo">
<perfsonar:subject id="commonParameters" xmlns:perfsonar="";>
<psservice:service id="serviceParameters" xmlns:psservice="";>
<psservice:serviceName>Internet2 SNMP MA</psservice:serviceName>
<psservice:serviceDescription>Washington DC SNMP MA</psservice:serviceDescription>
<nmwg:data id="data1" metadataIdRef="serviceLookupInfo">
<nmwg:metadata id="meta1">
<netutil:subject id="subj1" xmlns:netutil="";>
<nmwgt:interface xmlns:nmwgt="";>
<nmwgt:ifDescription>Interface eth0 on dc211 (external)</nmwgt:ifDescription>
<nmwgt:ifAddress type="ipv4"></nmwgt:ifAddress>
<nmwg:parameters id="param1">
<nmwg:parameter name="supportedEventType"></nmwg:parameter>
<nmwg:parameter name="supportedEventType"></nmwg:parameter>

<nmwg:data id="data2" metadataIdRef="serviceLookupInfo">
<nmwg:metadata id="meta2">
<netutil:subject id="subj2" xmlns:netutil="";>
<nmwgt:interface xmlns:nmwgt="";>
<nmwgt:ifDescription>Interface eth0 on dc211 (external)</nmwgt:ifDescription>
<nmwgt:ifAddress type="ipv4"></nmwgt:ifAddress>
<nmwg:parameters id="param2">
<nmwg:parameter name="supportedEventType"></nmwg:parameter>
<nmwg:parameter name="supportedEventType"></nmwg:parameter>

<nmwg:data id="data3" metadataIdRef="serviceLookupInfo">
<nmwg:metadata id="meta3">
<netutil:subject id="subj3" xmlns:netutil="";>
<nmwgt:interface xmlns:nmwgt="";>
<nmwgt:ifDescription>Interface eth0 on dc211 (internal)</nmwgt:ifDescription>
<nmwgt:ifAddress type="ipv4"></nmwgt:ifAddress>
<nmwg:parameters id="param3">
<nmwg:parameter name="supportedEventType"></nmwg:parameter>
<nmwg:parameter name="supportedEventType"></nmwg:parameter>

<nmwg:metadata id="meta4">
<netutil:subject id="subj4" xmlns:netutil="";>
<nmwgt:interface xmlns:nmwgt="";>
<nmwgt:ifDescription>Interface eth0 on dc211 (internal)</nmwgt:ifDescription>
<nmwgt:ifAddress type="ipv4"></nmwgt:ifAddress>
<nmwg:parameters id="param4">
<nmwg:parameter name="supportedEventType"></nmwg:parameter>
<nmwg:parameter name="supportedEventType"></nmwg:parameter>

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