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perfsonar-dev - RE: [pS-dev] webadmin eXist db connection for creation of SSHTELNET MP 3.0-RC1

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RE: [pS-dev] webadmin eXist db connection for creation of SSHTELNET MP 3.0-RC1

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Michalis Michael <>
  • To: Stijn Melis <>
  • Cc: Loukik Kudarimoti <>,
  • Subject: RE: [pS-dev] webadmin eXist db connection for creation of SSHTELNET MP 3.0-RC1
  • Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 19:49:46 +0200

Hi Stijn,

I'm out of office right now so I cannot inestigatte this thoroughly, if your
db has an address which is publicly available I'll try to do some remote


----- Original Message -----
From: Stijn Melis
Sent: Tue, 1/29/2008 6:29pm
To: Michael Michalis
Cc: Loukik Kudarimoti

Subject: Re: [pS-dev] webadmin eXist db connection for creation of SSHTELNET
MP 3.0-RC1

>> I tried it with the URI equal to
>> xmldb:exist:// and also with
>>, but this doesn't seem to work either.
> You don't need to add the /db at the end of the URI. The manager by
> default is connected to the root of the eXist. Omitting "/db" will
> probably solve the problem. To get the root colection use
> manager.getCollection(null); I hope this helps. Buzz if you have any
> more problems.

bzzz ;)

I tried it again, and this time I get the following output:

adminPass: admin
newAdminPass: admin
creating eXist stuff
existURI to connect to:
username to use: admin
password to use: admin
at org.xmldb.api.DatabaseManager.getDatabase(Unknown Source)
at org.xmldb.api.DatabaseManager.getCollection(Unknown Source)

It still doesn't seem to connect to the database and I can't really see
what is causing the problem.


> Michalis
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event = null;if (strCallbackEvent){event =
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true);}if (str && str.length > 0){var splitList = str.split('|');var
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splitList[splitSize-1];var pluginList = document.plugins;for (var count = 0;
count < pluginList.length; count++){var sSrc = '';if (pluginList[count] &&
pluginList[count].src)sSrc = pluginList[count].src;if (strCompare.length >=
sSrc.length){if (strCompare.indexOf(sSrc) != -1){func(str, count, pluginList,
__RP_Coord_Callback(str){var func = function(str, index, pluginList,
splitList){pluginList[index].__RP_Coord_Callback =
str;pluginList[index].__RP_Coord_Callback_Left =
splitList[0];pluginList[index].__RP_Coord_Callback_Top =
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func);}function __RP_Url_Callback(str){var func = function(str, index,
pluginList, splitList){pluginList[index].__RP_Url_Callback =
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splitList[0];pluginList[index].__RP_Url_Callback_Parent =
splitList[1];};__RP_Callback_Helper(str, 'rp-js-url-callback', 3,
func);}function __RP_TotalBytes_Callback(str){var func = function(str, index,
pluginList, splitList){pluginList[index].__RP_TotalBytes_Callback =
str;pluginList[index].__RP_TotalBytes_Callback_Bytes =
splitList[0];};__RP_Callback_Helper(str, null, 2, func);}function
__RP_Connection_Callback(str){var func = function(str, index, pluginList,
splitList){pluginList[index].__RP_Connection_Callback =
str;pluginList[index].__RP_Connection_Callback_Url =
splitList[0];};__RP_Callback_Helper(str, null, 2, func);}

  • RE: [pS-dev] webadmin eXist db connection for creation of SSHTELNET MP 3.0-RC1, Michalis Michael, 01/29/2008

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