perfsonar-dev - Re: [pS-dev] Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3
Subject: perfsonar development work
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- From: Roman Lapacz <>
- To: Loukik Kudarimoti <>
- Cc: Ilias Tsompanidis <>, Szymon Trocha <>, "" <>
- Subject: Re: [pS-dev] Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3
- Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2007 13:07:46 +0200
Ilias Tsompanidis wrote:
Szymon Trocha wrote:
Loukik Kudarimoti wrote:
long time ago (when all pS developers were working on the framework and rrd ma) you implemented methods for writing data to rrd files (they are still the same). How did you test them to see if they work well? I could test those methods the same way to see if there is a problem.
I've been populating the rrd-ma via the Store functionality and I ... can't find the data I stored.Roman Lapacz wrote:
I think that if rrd has been created then data were accepted. I'm not sure about rrdtool itself how/if this keeps only single value.
What's the problem?
Just for testing purposes, i let a script send Storerequests with the same data, for "current" timestamps , every 3 minutes all night. Then I passed the key to a SetupDataRequest, and all I've got was "0"... Of course the same happens when quering the rrd file itself via rrdtool. ( In a similar test case for Errors, the result was "NaN").
I've noticed that the "last update" changes, so rrd-ma updates the file. I don't know what exactly it is supposed to save...
In normal circumstances, rrd returns the five minute average of what has been stored. So storing every 3 minutes the same value should be enough to store that data in rrdma and be able to get it back. I would be happy with ANY data actually, instead of 0 or NaN.
If I'm doing something wrong, or the service wasn't able to understand what i sent, I think that there should be an error somewhere.
But the service seems to get to the point where it should update the rrd file. So I'm naturally confused...
My general opinion about rrd store functionality is that we could remove it from the service. I don't see any interest from users to have it because normally tools like mrtg or cricket do it in natural way. I think fetching should be enough.Perhaps you can leave the code in but move the store interface from the documented interfaces list to the undocumented ones? If and when we resurrect the SNMP polling and data storing product, this interface can be enhanced and documented as well..
Which SNMP product are you talking about? I though you abandoned your SNMP service...
- Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3, Loukik Kudarimoti, 10/05/2007
- Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3, Szymon Trocha, 10/05/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3, Loukik Kudarimoti, 10/05/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3, Ilias Tsompanidis, 10/05/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3, Roman Lapacz, 10/05/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3, Loukik Kudarimoti, 10/05/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3, Jason Zurawski, 10/05/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3, Ilias Tsompanidis, 10/05/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3, Szymon Trocha, 10/05/2007
- Message not available
- Re: [pS-dev] Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3, Szymon Trocha, 10/08/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3, Ilias Tsompanidis, 10/08/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3, Michael Michalis, 10/08/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3, Ilias Tsompanidis, 10/08/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3, Michael Michalis, 10/08/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3, Roman Lapacz, 10/08/2007
- Message not available
- Re: [pS-dev] Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3, Szymon Trocha, 10/05/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3, Ilias Tsompanidis, 10/05/2007
- Re: [pS-dev] Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3, Roman Lapacz, 10/05/2007
- Re: Store request in RRD-MA 2.3. rc3, Szymon Trocha, 10/05/2007
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