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perfsonar-dev - Re: [pS-dev] New Characteristic Namespaces (Summary)

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Re: [pS-dev] New Characteristic Namespaces (Summary)

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Jason Zurawski <>
  • To: Roman Lapacz <>
  • Cc: perfsonar-dev <>
  • Subject: Re: [pS-dev] New Characteristic Namespaces (Summary)
  • Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 14:15:17 -0400
  • Organization: Internet2


I still am confused as to why you feel 'supportedEventType' parameters are a much better fit than eventType in this case, they are describing the same exact thing except that eventType is more direct than a parameters block. The old style may have filled a need during the early development, but if we are going to progress to supporting multiple metrics using the same descriptions we should try more concrete solutions instead of workarounds.
I would prefer to keep parameters to group supported event types (first we had eventType element but after a while we decided to switch to parameters as grouping solution) but I'm not against to come back to eventType.

If it makes the short term work easier than its ok, but we should consider moving to something more formal.


Parameters in the key in metadata m3 represent more than one namespace so it should look like this:

<nmwg:key id="1">
<nmwg:parameters id="1">
<nmwg:parameter name="supportedEventType"></nmwg:parameter>
<nmwg:parameter name="type">rrd</nmwg:parameter>
<nmwg:parameter name="valueUnits">Eps</nmwg:parameter> <nmwg:parameter name="file">/home/jason/perfSONAR-PS/MP/SNMP/mead.rrd</nmwg:parameter>
<nmwg:parameter name="dataSource">eth0-ifInErrors</nmwg:parameter>
<nmwg:parameters id="2">
<select:parameters id="2">
<nmwg:parameter name="startTime" value="N-50" />
<nmwg:parameter name="endTime" value="N" />
<nmwg:parameter name="resolution" value="1" />
<nmwg:parameter name="consolidationFunction" value="AVERAGE" /> </select:parameters>

This approach should be used in requests and responses.
This is too cumbersome and allowing multiple parameters blocks doesn't look correct in this case. We really should use a chain to describe what is going on, or because the contents of the key is opaque it should not matter what namespace is used to describe the internals.
I think it's quite clear and straightforward. Right, what's inside does not matter for a client but for a service might be interesting and needed not to lose context of parameters. Having all parameters in one namespace nmwg, which in fact might be wrong for some of them, is losing some information.
There is no information loss because the key has been 'cooked' in one of its previous visits and the server has organized the information in a format it likes, including extra parameters blocks in various namespaces really only aids humans as they examine the key (which they shouldn't do anyway as it is opaque).
Ideally we shouldn't be passing back a clear key where it is obvious to see what we have done (the key structure if I recall correctly should be used to save state on the server end), we should start moving to an obfuscated key that means nothing by sight.
I agree with you that the key has no meaning for a client but a request with key for service side is a different case. Why not to keep namespaces as originally? It might be useful for RRD MA (at least for Java implementation). It will not be the rule for all services of course. Other services might use totally different keys (even without parameters :) In fact, client app should not generate keys, it should get it from a service.

I would still *much* rather we go back to including the entire chain in these communications, that way we are guaranteed to not lose anything. If we are going to treat the entire key as opaque, then it really shouldn't matter what is on the inside, although I am still against the idea of including two sets of parameters because it is not very natural in my opinion ('cooking' is 'cooking' no matter what end result looks like). Does the RRDMA use the above example now? (your interface docs seem to show everything being in one nmwg:parameters block, if you are changing things please let me know for interop purposes).

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