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perfsonar-dev - Re: [GN2-JRA1] L2 circuit Discovery [Was: Re: JRA1-JRA3-JRA4 conf call - change of Date]

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Re: [GN2-JRA1] L2 circuit Discovery [Was: Re: JRA1-JRA3-JRA4 conf call - change of Date]

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Martin Swany <>
  • To: Nicolas Simar <>
  • Cc: "Matthias K. Hamm" <>, Jason Zurawski <>, Loukik Kudarimoti <>, Stephan Kraft <>, GN-JRA1-list <>, Athanassios Liakopoulos <>, Dave Wilson <>, Michael Enrico <>, Afrodite Sevasti <>, "" <>, Matthias Hamm <>, Otto Kreiter <>, Andreas Hanemann <>, Mark Yampolskiy <>, Szymon Trocha <>, Roberto Sabatino <>
  • Subject: Re: [GN2-JRA1] L2 circuit Discovery [Was: Re: JRA1-JRA3-JRA4 conf call - change of Date]
  • Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 10:03:56 -0500

Hi All,

The querry you would expect to run would be the following:
"Give me the list of services where I can find L2 status information." and you would be returned a list of MAs and MPs (and domains or just the URL?), plus a list of LS to contact to get furhter information (as the LS are distributed). The you can ask recursively the question to the other LSes (filtering out the ones you have already visited).

Jason, is it how it will be expected to work?

That's one way. Another model is that the first LS will recursively
query to find the details you are after (like the DNS server can do
for hostnames.)

The domains can be included in the registration information that
appears in the LS, too.

The query could be as you describe, but could more directed as
in "what are the MAs that have data for this link?". As Maciej
said, we can do just about anything with XQuery.

The information you have mentioned will be partly stored in cNIS. It is always a good idea to avoid having data redundancy between different services ;-)

that raises the point about the co-existence of the cNIS and the lookup service to some extend.

So, for domains that use the cnis, that data will be exported in the perfSONAR
format. I don't think that coexistence will be a big issue. If the cnis looks and
acts like a perfSONAR LS, then things will "just work".


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