perfsonar-dev - Re: L2 status and perfSONAR follow-up
Subject: perfsonar development work
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- From: "Matthias K. Hamm" <>
- To: Nicolas Simar <>
- Cc: Joe Metzger <>, Mark Yampolskiy <>, Otto Kreiter <>, Michael Enrico <>, Loukik Kudarimoti <>, Eric Boyd <>, Giovanni Cesaroni <>, Yee-Ting Li <>,
- Subject: Re: L2 status and perfSONAR follow-up
- Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 08:58:09 +0200
Hi Nicolas,
thanks for the quite long protocol ;-)
I have a few points:
- who is "MK" ?
- an action and responsible for point 4 is missing (was there any ?)
- point 5 is missing details. In the call you had some remarks to that (personally, I am very interested in this point)
Best regards,
Nicolas Simar schrieb:
Notes from the meeting:
Attendance: Mark, Matthias, Yee, Nicolas, Joe, Michael, Otto, Jason, Giovani.
1. Location needs to be abstracted more. - JM
JM: concerns that the location in the example was only digit and is hard to understand. How to cross-reference the location in this schema and in the other application (e.g. in the RRD MA and in the cNIS). The need to be identical.
If specified lat and long, need to reference what exact definition is used. Like to specify street addresses.
ME: touch that point on the level to which the interface goes on a transponder. Don't know when it didn't go more general.
MK: this was a first step, can add additional info if Martin is OK with it. Question: who provides that information and who utilises it.
JM: other tools will be using those data. We need to build base functionalities so that more advance visualisation tools can be build on top of it.
ME: Agrees with it, in particular if tools are being used for troubleshooting.
JM: I am not acvocating that everybody needs to fill out all the information. But it is important that the schema contains all the information needs to
MY: In that case, we will be confronted to discrepency between the data offered by different networks. We need first to set-up a minimum schema understandable by all.
MS: Challenge of the schema definition is to represent in a common way the various information available from different network devices.
MH: E2E monitoring has a data model behind it and is not intended to be a all purpose schema. That's why there is abstraction. If we want more details, then we have to rework the whole data model, but also the links. That would be a completely different system.
MY: didn't get the comment (too fast)
MS: It is possibly not a matter to redo what you have done, but extend the schema for which further functionalities need to be added to.
JM: how do we move forward from this?
MS: fairly easy to add an abstract location to it, with everyone feedback.
OK: for an e2e path which gives the status in a particular domain, it can consist of multiple segments which are concatenated (with switches).
JM: what's we got is a very good start. Eventualy, we will have to go a lot deeper. There may be a disconnect between what the people think. Some within the perfSONAR group think that the NOCs will also be using perfSONAR base tools to gather information from other side of the path. Concern that we have a perfSONAR location schema and for particular use, don't expect people to populate the information to the slot and interface level, but we need a standardise schema.
NS: summarise JM points.
ME: how it fits within the particular naming from the equipment used by networks (rack ID, ). Check with what comes out (if it is sufficiently generic). We can do that easily.
MH: is the problem we are tackling the schema be extended with extending the schema or being covered with the cNIS. Clarify it there rather than with the E2E schema.
ME: Matthias has a very good point.
MS: JRA1 people already talking with cNIS to have the schema in harmony. They are fairlty close. Keeping them in sync is a priority.
JM: need to have capability out sooner rather than later bcs it will be used before the cNIS comes out.
MH: NRENs have two or more interfaces located at the same point, to separate them, they need different IDs.
MY: do we want to differentiate them on the monitoring system.
Lost track of few points here...
ME: Mark has highlighted : "hierarchy".
MS: people to have a look at the schema and not only the E2E part and see it if address the points or not.
JM: it won't have a huge impact.
MY: Guys from different NRENs and in different PoPs user different type of information (Some PoPs have room/rack, whilst some other don't have).
ME: if you do it hierarchical, it can be a single schema.
MS: a single schema with different representation is possible.
ME: the uniqueness of a topology point is key to identify uniquely a point. lost track ... falls apart. If single schema with hierarchy, you get the same info everywhere and you ignore what's below.
JM: isn't a problem when we extend the hierarchy it is a constraint we have.
OK: why doesn't perfSONAR show to Matthias and Mark show them the extension.
- MS and JM: to put it down and get this moving forward.
2. Link types should be from an agreed on list of reasonable names
JM: confusion is that in the document, one name is used and in the example, there is another one.
MH: in the extention of the NM-WG is using NREN-link, which means that the NRENs need to change it too.
ME: it's an oversight on our part. Should ask the NRENs to make the correct terminology that should be "domain link".
Actions: MH and MY will contact the NRENs to explain on how to change it.
JM: do we want to change things asynchroneously or everything in a go.
MS: link types not defined in the schema, this is a field. Its good to define it and it won't invalidate the schema.
3. The time type looks odd, but Martin can decide if it is right. - JM
JM: the time, is it the same type we are using in perfSONAR.
MS: the ISO timestamps is the same than in the pS schema.
4. The circuit naming scheme needs work. Currently it is documented as Organization Acronym - Organization Acronym, project ID, Serial #. This doesn't scale outside of Europe. - JM
ME: it is part of an unique scalable global unique scheme.
MS: which means falling back to existing a unique glocal scheme URN
ME: suggestion to register a MACE name. There were quire a lot of comments.
JM: first thought possible a workable scheme, but not totally confortable with it but don't know why. It's a huge step forward.
MS: not sure to have seen the proposal.
JM: need coordination on the ciruit scheme, working with I2, Brew, OSCAR, LHC. There are several context where they appear. There is confusion. Understant that there can't be a single scheme bcs of external constrains.
ME: can also be used for topology points.
OK: what are the other approaches for naming schemes.
JM: not found document for brew and oscar. But it is a long concatenation of devices along the path. In another context, the name discussed are names with no geographical reference.
MY: came with new schema following JM points few weeks ago.
ME: why not use DNS? Hear argument that we are overloading DNS with loads of functions that it is not designed to. Then how do we address the uniqueness.
MS: we need to submit to something more global. All the stakeholders need to meet somewhere, and agree on something. This involves three GN2 entities, three in the US and the GLIF.
MH: no problem to follow the first solution and seek for a more global one.
MY: need to meet with other groups and brainstorm with them tocome up wiht a more general schema. When do we need to have the schema ready.
ME: there is no desperate hurry about that, bcs few discussion in high places are needed.
JM: we are realistically talking about few circuits a months.
OK: you mentioned in Toronto that you may have quite a lot of circuits and end-users may be confused wiht the names.
JM: it is not an issues for the next 6-9 months. It will take some time to get agreement and that will take time. Several months.
ME: need to raise that in the GN2 TC in Europe. We can't go much further than that. Unique naming so far is will do for few months.
JM: useful to get documentation about other naming scheme from other groups to see where people are coming from.
6. Access to JRA4 documentation.
OK: done, everything has been publisehd on the perfSONAR web-site.
We aim to make it the one to be updated.
5. perfSONAR services.
Aimed at documenting the protocol on the wire.
Matthias Hamm
Leibniz-Rechenzentrum / Leibniz Computing Centre
Raum I.2.107
Boltzmannstrasse 1, 85748 Garching, Germany
Telefon: +49 89 35831-8832
Fax: +49 89 35831-9700
- L2 status and perfSONAR follow-up, Nicolas Simar, 10/17/2006
- Re: L2 status and perfSONAR follow-up, Matthias K. Hamm, 10/17/2006
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- Re: L2 status and perfSONAR follow-up, Nicolas Simar, 10/20/2006
- Re: L2 status and perfSONAR follow-up, Joe Metzger, 10/20/2006
- Re: L2 status and perfSONAR follow-up, Matthias K. Hamm, 10/24/2006
- Re: L2 status and perfSONAR follow-up, Nicolas Simar, 10/20/2006
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- Re: [pS-dev] L2 status and perfSONAR follow-up, Nicolas Simar, 10/18/2006
- Re: [pS-dev] L2 status and perfSONAR follow-up, Mark Yampolskiy, 10/18/2006
- Re: [pS-dev] L2 status and perfSONAR follow-up, Nicolas Simar, 10/19/2006
- Re: [pS-dev] L2 status and perfSONAR follow-up, Mark Yampolskiy, 10/18/2006
- Re: L2 status and perfSONAR follow-up, Matthias K. Hamm, 10/17/2006
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