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perfsonar-dev - Re: [pS-dev] failure of converting returning message (XML) to DOM

Subject: perfsonar development work

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Re: [pS-dev] failure of converting returning message (XML) to DOM

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Jason Zurawski <>
  • To: ulisses <>
  • Cc: ,
  • Subject: Re: [pS-dev] failure of converting returning message (XML) to DOM
  • Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 10:30:05 -0400


In any case please note that the Message being returned is printed just before the return of the performAction method. All objects returned to the networksData have been filled in a different scope (fillNodesNetworks()) to performAction.

So just so I am sure where you are coming from, you are able to do 'XMLUtils.serializeXML(response)' in performAction and it works fine, but it does not work when printed in the RequestHandler?

There are two xml output methods, toXML (which just prints text representation of the objects) and getDOM (which the XMLUtils use to get a DOM Document). You can try using these directly in each location and see if any errors are generated.

IMHO If the XML is printed correctly the DOM should be converted afterwards.

I agree, I will examine the DOM code to be sure I haev not missed anything, but at this point I unsure what else could be the problem.

I don't know where the XML -> DOM conversion is done, but the last point I could print the Message "correctly" is

getDOM (called on any object), which the XMLUtils uses. Try calling it directly perhaps in different locations.
<nmwg:message id="msg2_resp" messageIdRef="msg2"
<nmwg:metadata id="TOPSDownloadDBResponseMetadata_0"/>
<nmwg:data id="TOPSDownloadDBResponse_0"
<nmwg:metadata id="TOPSDownloadDBResponseMetadata_0"/>
<nmwg:data id="localhost.localdomain.-7edd1411:10cb415db62:-7ffe">
interfaceIdRef="private_index: 0, snmp_ifindex: unknown">

<nmwgtopo3:ipAddress value=""/>
<nmwgtopo3:name> -

Does this proves that the Message and it's childs are correct both as object
hierarchy and as xml syntax?

I will verify this with the schema tools, but it does look syntactically by sight. I do wonder why you are nesting the metadata and data like that though:


Is this what you wanted?


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