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netsec-sig - [Security-WG] Please Forward - GS2020 Call for Proposals is Open

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Subject: Internet2 Network Security SIG

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[Security-WG] Please Forward - GS2020 Call for Proposals is Open

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Adair Thaxton <>
  • To: "" <>
  • Subject: [Security-WG] Please Forward - GS2020 Call for Proposals is Open
  • Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2019 14:11:14 +0000

Hello everyone! What I learned from the TechEx Call for Participation
is that frenetic nagging works well, we had a bunch of proposals for
TechEx! So, let's save your inbox and my anxiety level - submit your
great ideas before I resort to nagging! Yay!

The Internet2 2020 Global Summit Call for Participation is Still Open!

Learn more about GS2020 here

Why Propose a Session for Global Summit?

The Internet2 2020 Global Summit will showcase the collaborative ways in
which the R&E community transforms how research and scholarship are
conducted. Whether building new relationships or nurturing existing
ones, Global Summit attendees can expect to participate in
knowledge-sharing discussions with peers to identify potential
challenges and solutions, identify common pitfalls, and debate best
practices amongst community professionals. Session proposals are open
now-September 4.

To Submit a Proposal, click here

Internet2 is seeking proposals that focus on the following topic areas:

* Advanced Networking
* Cloud Integrations
* InCommon Trusted Access
* Integrated Solutions

Read more about the four tracks here
<>, and submit your
proposal by September 4.


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