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ndt-users - RE: NDT and CentOS 4.1- Fedora Core 4 NDT creation procedure

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RE: NDT and CentOS 4.1- Fedora Core 4 NDT creation procedure

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Martyn Cheatle <>
  • To: "'Pepmiller, Craig E.'" <>
  • Cc:
  • Subject: RE: NDT and CentOS 4.1- Fedora Core 4 NDT creation procedure
  • Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 11:38:52 +0100
  • Return-receipt-to: Martyn Cheatle <>

Title: NDT creation procedure
Followed your example, this is what happens when I try to start ndt
'nknown option: `-
Usage: csh [ -bcdefilmnqstvVxX ] [ argument ... ].
[root@localhost conf]#

From: Pepmiller, Craig E. [mailto:]
Sent: 10 October 2005 14:56
Subject: RE:NDT and CentOS 4.1- Fedora Core 4 NDT creation procedure

I have two NDT stations up using Fedora Core 4.  Below is my overly documented installation method.  It refers to an "NDT install CD" or "MOREnet NDT CD" that I have created.  The CD has the latest Fedora patches to get to the 2.6.13 kernel, TCPDUMP (libcap-0.9.1-096 and tcpdump-3.9.1-096), Java SDK and the NDT tar file.  With all the Fedora CD my total CD stack is at 10 CDs and it takes 6-8 hours to run through them.  I am hoping to use Vector Linux (the install CD stack would only be 2 to 3) and eventually Puppy Linux and have it all on one bootable CD.


Have fun-


MOREnet, NDT creation procedure


  1. Install Fedora Linux version 2.6.11
    1. Boot from CD provided for Fedora installation- CD obtained from or

                                                               i.      Use defaults unless otherwise instructed

                                                             ii.      Select remove all partitions

                                                            iii.      Select hostname - use DHCP if available

                                                           iv.      Enable firewall

1.      allow SSH, and Web.

                                                             v.      Select time zone (probably America/Mexico City)

                                                           vi.      Set root password

                                                          vii.      Selecting the default on packages is ok.

    1. On rebooting

                                                               i.      Agree to license

                                                             ii.      Set up ndt username with a secure password

                                                            iii.      No need to install 'Additional CDs'

                                                           iv.      Login using root account and password

    1. Do not connect to or auto-update from network at this point
  1. Install Source for current version if possible (CDs provided for Linux 2.6.11, patch provided for Linux 2.6.12)
    1. While logged in as root insert Fedora Source code CD #1

                                                               i.      CD provided - CD obtained from sources given above

    1. Navigate to /usr/local/src

                                                               i.      Doubleclick on 'Computer'; 'Filesystem'; 'usr'; 'local'; 'src'

    1. Copy SRPMS folder to /usr/local/src

                                                               i.      Doubleclick 'Computer'; 'CD Drive'

                                                             ii.      Drag SRPMS folder from the CD to previously opened /usr/local/src

    1. Eject CD using desktop icon
    2. Repeat process with CDs 2, 3 and 4; 'replace' any duplicate files
    3. Use 'rpm' to install source code

                                                               i.      Open terminal window by using the menu bar- Applications; System Tools; Terminal

                                                             ii.      Navigate to SRPMS directory by 'cd  /usr/local/src/SRPMS

                                                            iii.      Install source code by using 'rpm -Uvh *.rpm' (or alternately rpmbuild -rebuild * )

    1. Load latest kernel source (2.6.12) NDT/Web100 accepted release (source obtained from

                                                               i.      From the NDT install CD extract /latest/linux- into /usr/src/kernels/linux-2.6.12-web100


  1. Auto update (optional untested step)
    1. Assign IP address
    2. Connect to network
    3. Goto http:_______________

Patch system in preparation for NDT

  1. Note:  All required files are on the MOREnet NDT CD in the latest folder
  2. Install libpcap (libpcap archive obtained from
    1. Create directory /usr/src/libpcap
    2. Extract libpcap archive from the NDT-Setup CD into /usr/src/libpcap
    3. In a terminal window change directory to the extracted libpcap folder (probably /usr/src/libpcap/libpcap-0.91)
    4. Run ./configure
    5. Run make
    6. Change to superuser using su
    7. Run make install
    8. Run make clean
    9. You may close the terminal window
  3. Install Web100 patch (software obtained from, reference instructions at )
    1. Create directory /usr/src/web100
    2. Extract web100 patch (web100-2.5.3-200503022351.tar.gz.tar) from the NDT Setup CD into /usr/src/web100
    3. Extract web 100 user library (web100_userland-1.5.tar.gz.tar) from the NDT Setup CD into /usr/src/web100/web100lib
    4. Install the library

                                                               i.      In a terminal window change directory to /usr/src/web100/web100lib

                                                             ii.      Run ./configure

                                                            iii.      Run make

                                                           iv.      Run make install

                                                             v.      Run make clean

    1. Change directory to /usr/src/kernels
    2. Find latest kernel folder (should be Linux-
    3. Copy the folder to a new folder named 2.6.12-web100
    4. Open a terminal window for the next steps
    5. Make a symbolic link to the new folder using

                                                               i.      Run rm -rf /usr/src/linux

                                                            ii.      Run ln -s /usr/src/kernels/linux-2.6.12-web100  /usr/src/linux

    1. Change directory to /usr/src/linux and display the contents (ls) to be sure that the symbolic link is correct.
    2. Patch the linux kernel using

                                                              i.      su

                                                             ii.      patch -p1 < /usr/src/web100/web100/web100-2.6.12-2.5.4-200506201452.patch

    1. run make mrproper
    2. run make menuconfig
    3. this brings up a Linux Kernel Configuration menu

                                                               i.      at Code maturity level options press enter (select) make sure that there is an * on the Prompt line

                                                             ii.      use the arrow key to move to Exit and press enter

                                                            iii.      use the down arrow key to move to Device Drivers

                                                           iv.      press enter (select)

                                                             v.      use the down arrow key to move to Networking Support

                                                           vi.      press enter (select)

                                                          vii.      use the down arrow key to move to Networking Options

                                                        viii.      press enter (select)

                                                           ix.      use the down arrow key to move to IP: Web100 networking enhancements

                                                             x.      press y to place an * by IP: Web100 networking enhancements

                                                           xi.      press enter (select)

                                                          xii.      use the down arrow key and type y to put an * in all available selections.

                                                        xiii.      Use the exit selection (arrow key and enter) multiple times until you exit the menu system and are prompted to save the new kernel configuration

                                                        xiv.      Save by pressing enter when the Yes is highlighted

    1. Run make dep
    2. Run make to compile the new kernel (this takes a long time)
    3. Run make modules
    4. Run make modules_install
    5. Run make install
  1. Prepare to reboot the system
    1. Run gedit /etc/grub.conf
    2. Change the default=1 line to default=0
    3. Save and close the file
  2. Restart the machine (can use the menu system Desktop->Log Out)

Install NDT

  1. Add /usr/local/lib (place where libpcap and libweb100 were installed) to the link library by
    1. Open a terminal window
    2. Run echo /usr/local/lib >> /etc/ 
    3. Run /sbin/ldconfig
  2. Install the Java Software Development kit
    1. Edit .bashrc in /root to add

                                                               i.      export PATH=/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.2_08/bin:$PATH

    1. Copy j2sdk-1_4_2_08-linux-i586.bin from the /latest directory on the NDT_install_CD to /usr/local
    2. In a terminal window change directory to /usr/local and run 2sdk-1_4_2_08-linux-i586.bin

                                                               i.      Type yes to the license agreement prompt

    1. Extract ndt-3.1.4a.tar.tar from the /latest directory on the NDT_install_CD to /usr/local

                                                               i.      Find the Applet directory within the extracted files and extract the TCPbw100.jar into the same Applet directory

    1. In a terminal window change directory to /usr/local/ndt-3.1.4

                                                               i.      Run ./configure

                                                             ii.      Run make

                                                            iii.      Run make install

                                                           iv.      Run conf/ and follow the prompts to make the test point web page

                                                             v.      Edit the conf/start.ndt script to add the following lines after the first line of the file:

iptables -N NDT

iptables -A NDT -p tcp --dport 7123 -j ACCEPT

iptables -A NDT -p tcp --dport 3001 -j ACCEPT

iptables -A NDT -p tcp --dport 3002 -j ACCEPT

iptables -A NDT -p tcp --dport 3003 -j ACCEPT

iptables -A NDT -p tcp --sport 3001 -j ACCEPT

iptables -A NDT -p tcp --sport 3002 -j ACCEPT

iptables -A NDT -p tcp --sport 3003 -j ACCEPT

iptables -I INPUT 1 -j NDT



  1. Reboot machine and login as root
  2. Change directory to /usr/local/ndt-3.1.4
  3. Start NDT by conf/start.ndt 
  4. Use the system tools menu to check for correct network port and ip configuration




-----Original Message-----
From: Martyn Cheatle [mailto:]
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 6:50 AM
To: 'Mike Iglesias'; ''
Subject: RE: NDT and CentOS 4.1


OK I have not managed to get this working with CentOS so have downloaded and

installed Fedora Core 4, at the minute it does not have kernel 2.6.13 on and

I'm guessing that up2date will put the latest on for me, after that do I

just follow the instructions below?







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