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ndt-users - Re: installation help

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Re: installation help

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Richard Carlson <>
  • To: "Pepmiller, Craig E." <>, <>
  • Subject: Re: installation help
  • Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 14:54:12 -0500

Hi Craig;

I just tried and yes, the fakewww server is running but nothing connects on ports 3001 - 3003.

Here are the steps I would take in debugging this problem.

1) are you running a root? The server process uses the libpcap routines to generate raw packet arrival timing information. I've seen cases where running as a non-root user causes the process to crash.

2) from the command line below, you using the -a, -d, and -r options
-a = generate the admin.html page (yes that displays)
-d = turn on level 1 debugging
-r = record web100 data for client-to-server test
Try starting the process in the foreground "/usr/local/sbin/web100srv -ad". This will enable level 1 debugging messages and you can look for error messages.

3) check to see if the web100srv process is running
a) use ps to check the process table
b) use netstat -nat to see that 3001 is in a listen state.

4) what's in the log file? Look in /usr/local/ndt/web100srv.log to see if there are any error messages.

5) try testing with the command line client and localhost (/usr/loca/bin/web100clt localhost) this should avoid any firewall or packet filter problems.

Let us know what you find.

Rich Carlson
NDT developer

At 02:20 PM 6/15/2005 -0500, Pepmiller, Craig E. wrote:

I am trying my first installation. I m using Fedora and can t seem to get web100srv operating properly. I started with a working Fedora installation; added Fedora source code (Linux 2.6.9); patched to Linux 2.6.11; applied libpcap-0.9.1; applied web100-userland-1.5; applied web100; applied ndt-3.1.4 and applied updates from RedHat.

Currently I can get fakewww up with the appropriate web page and web100srv seems to start but network scanners do not show the machine responding on ports 3001, 3002 or 3003 and clients get Server process not running: start web100srv process on remote server when clicking start .

I start the processes with:

Fakewww p80 >& /dev/null fR &

Web100srv adr >& /dev/null &

Any suggestions?

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