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ndt-users - Re: getting ndt up and running

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Re: getting ndt up and running

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Laurence Kirchmeier <>
  • To: Rich Carlson <>
  • Cc:
  • Subject: Re: getting ndt up and running
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2004 16:34:46 -0400

The firewall was the problem - I added a line for port 7123 and I now get the Merit NTAP2 NDT web page. When I click START, I get a message saying that the process "web100srv" is not running.
Here's the output in he java applet:

<x-tad-bigger>Web100 Network Diagnostic Tool v5.3.3a
click START to begin
Server process not running: start web100srv process on remote server

I checked the process list and it is running on my server:

root 21647 0.0 0.0 1808 536 ? S Oct19 0:00 /usr/local/sbin/web100srv -a

this was started along with fakewww using the start.ndt script.

Any ideas what I should look at to figure this out?



Laurence Kirchmeier
Senior Engineer, Networking R&D
Merit Network Inc. Tel. 734 936 9703
Email: Fax. 734 647 3185

On Oct 20, 2004, at 12:33 PM, Rich Carlson wrote:


Is the process listening on the port? The command "netstat -nat" should show you the current TCP port stats. Is in a LISTEN state?

Are there any messages in the log file?

Finally, is there a firewall filter (iptables?) installed that prevents responses from being sent? Check the /var/log/messages file.

At 11:22 AM 10/20/2004 -0400, wrote:
I've run through the installation of ndt without problems and am now trying to get fakewww to respond to http requests.
I have fakewww running - here's ps output:

root 21652 0.0 0.0 1384 396 ? S Oct19 0:00 /usr/local/sbin/fakewww -l/var/log/fakewww.log

When I try to connect to the server from a web browser, specifying port 7123, I get no response from the server. I checked with tcpdump and the requests are definitely passing in through the network interface, but no responses are generated.

What am I missing?

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