Hey Sebastian,
The problem comes in with flash blockers, which are pretty common, especially among network engineers. I’ve attached a screenshot of what I see when I go to the page, and click “Use Flash”. It’s completely unclear to me that I need to hit anything other
than “Start Test”. However, if I click “Start Test”, it will bomb out in a bizarre fashion, because I haven’t clicked on the flash applet below the buttons to get around the flash blocker, and since I can’t scroll the page at all, I can’t even see that there
is something for me to click. I just have to blindly click in that box that’s below the blue page, and I’m given no guidance to do that. Beyond that, it’s rather jarring to have both appear in that page. If we could shrink the applet down so that it’s a very
small bar, and specifically note the “flash block” issue in the text somewhere (especially if they click “Start Test”, and it bombs out), that’d be vastly more intuitive.
If you want to try to see the issue for yourself, install a flash blocker in Chrome or FF, and then navigate to
http://desk179.internet2.edu:7123/ and select “Use Flash”.

On Nov 14, 2014, at 6:23 AM, Sebastian Kostuch <> wrote:
Hi Aaron,
I'm not sure I understand you correctly. The purpose of this site is to provide the user JS UI and the ability to choose which client (java or flash) should be used as backend right? But this client itself is not supposed to be used directly here as the GUI
written in HTML + JS does the whole work. If we want to provide user these clients direct then we have separated pages for it (tcpbw100 and tcpbw100-java). So what about hiding these controls on the widget.html site so that only JS UI will be visible? Or am
I missing something and it should work different way?
Also for ensuring: by writing that it worked you mean JS UI or running flash client located on the bottom of the site?
Kind regards
On 13.11.2014 15:43, Aaron Brown wrote:
Hey Sebastian,
Ah ok. I’ve got Flash Block on the browsers so the applet did load, but because of how the page loads, wasn’t visible so I didn’t realize I needed to click on it first. Once I clicked on that, it worked. Given the prevelance of flash blockers, and the
odd nature of this HTML5 + Flash combo, is there a better way that we can better locate the actual Applet on the page itself so that, and put some text in, letting folks know they may need to click on the hidden flash applet first?
On Nov 13, 2014, at 9:36 AM, Sebastian Kostuch <> wrote:
Hi Aaron,
as Pawel mentioned there is currently problem with calling applet functions from JS as from
java 7u45 update there are more security restrictions to applets. You can read more about it
Basically now it is necessary to add Caller-Allowable-Codebase line to manifest file (which I have already commited) and jar file must be signed by a trusted CA.
When it comes to issues you have mentioned, is there also problem with calling start directly from applet or flash embedded on the same site where JS UI is? Are there any errors?
Kind regards
On 13.11.2014 15:20, Aaron Brown wrote:
Hey Pawel,
On Nov 13, 2014, at 9:11 AM, Paweł Gesek <> wrote:
I've taken a look and talked with Sebastian about this. The new page uses the applet by default if your browser supports java, however there is some sort of problem with the _javascript_-applet communication, making the gauges do nothing if you are using the
applet. Have you tried pressing the flash button below in order to switch the client to flash?
It doesn’t matter what I use, both bomb out, and don’t (as far as i can tell anyway) perform any tests.
One question regarding your changes, any reason to change nobase_ndt_DATA to ndt_DATA in HTML5-frontend/Makefile.am? Without the nobase modifier HTML5-frontend/images and HTML5-frontend/fonts get installed in /usr/ndt without the
fonts or images subdirectory, which leads to missing resources on the webpage.
The install had failed as is, and as part of my monkeying, i’d removed it, and then forgot about it when it didn’t fix the issue. It’s been restored in my latest commit.
On 11/12/2014 05:04 PM, Aaron Brown wrote:
Hey Pawel,
I couldn’t get the RPM to build using mock, so I committed some changes so I could build the RPM. However, after installing the RPM, going to the web and hitting start, it doesn’t seem to do anything for me. Navigating to the flash client directly, however,
does seem to work.
On Nov 12, 2014, at 8:53 AM, Paweł Gesek <> wrote:
I've added the flashpolicyd script with some small modifications to the NDT repository. It is started by the ndt daemon and can be disabled in the sysconfig file in the same way as the fakewww daemon.
I believe I am finished with the RPM work, the changes are on the branch "Issues162". Please review and let me know if I missed something or you feel something needs to be changed.
On 11/07/2014 04:14 PM, Paweł Gesek wrote:
Great, I'll look at packaging that script with NDT. I assume we should bundle it with the ndt-server rpm. I'm also thinking that we can handle this in a similar fashion we do with fakewww - the ndt daemon will handle starting and
stopping of that script. Is that okay?
It's possible I missed fakewww, I'll take a look and make sure its consistent with httpd. As for widget.html it allows switching between the applet and flash client.
On 11/07/2014 03:42 PM, Aaron Brown wrote:
That script looks reasonable. As long as it can be reasonably be packaged with NDT, I’d be fine with it.
On Nov 7, 2014, at 8:15 AM, Jordan McCarthy <> wrote:
Hash: SHA512
For what it's worth, the M-Lab platform uses the second approach,
embodied in this file:
If this code looks reasonable to you all, please feel free to use it!
Jordan McCarthy
Open Technology Institute | New America Foundation
Public Key: 0xC08D8042 | 4A61 3D39 4125 127D 65EA DDC2 BFBD A2E9 C08D 8042
On 11/07/2014 04:46 AM, Paweł Gesek wrote:
Hello everyone,
I have been looking at updating the NDT RPM so that the flash
client there works out of the box(Issue162
<https://code.google.com/p/ndt/issues/detail?id=162>). I've
committed changes to the branch
Issue162(https://code.google.com/p/ndt/source/detail?r=1144), which
make the HTML5-frontend install with NDT and changed the index page
in the apache configuration to the new widget.html.
As far as running the Flash client out of the box goes, the NDT
server has to expose the crossdomain.xml file, which is required
for the Flash client to allow opening sockets to the server.
Unfortunately the socket policy does not go through HTTP, but a
simple proprietary protocol that uses the TCP port 843. I am
wondering for the best way to handle this in the NDT rpm. We can
possibly add a requirement for a package like
https://code.google.com/p/flashpolicyd/ and use that to serve the
file. We could also consider bundling some sort of a simple server
script(like this
that would serve the policy file. Do you preferences on how to resolve this?
Regards, Paweł
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